
qián rèn
  • former;predecessor;ex;precursor
前任 [qián rèn]
  • (1) [predecessor]∶已由他人替代其原任职位的人

  • 前任总统

  • (2) [ex]∶原先占有某种职位或地位的人

前任[qián rèn]
  1. 他和他的前任性格不一样。

    He is cast in a different mould from his predecessor .

  2. 新任总统彻底改变了其前任的许多政策。

    The new president reversed many of the policies of his predecessor .

  3. 我的前任上司将做我的推荐人。

    My previous boss will act as a reference for me .

  4. 他把前任经理的大部分功绩都毁掉了。

    He undid most of the good work of the previous manager .

  5. 那家公司与前任审计员已打了整整一年的官司。

    The company has been in litigation with its previous auditors for a full year .

  6. 你必须丢掉你的前任钢琴老师所教的一切坏习惯。

    You 'll have to unlearn all the bad habits you learned with your last piano teacher .

  7. 为了报复,她砸了前任男友的家。

    She took revenge on her ex-boyfriend by smashing up his home

  8. 他正脱离其前任的政策和风格。

    He 's backing away from the policies and style of his predecessor

  9. 他接着严厉地斥责了几位前任领导者。

    He then launched a scathing attack on previous leaders .

  10. 我3年前和前任男友分的手。

    I split up with my last boyfriend three years ago

  11. 新上任的总理比他的前任要强。

    The new Prime Minister is an improvement on his predecessor

  12. 宪法提案赋予他比前任大得多的权力。

    The proposed constitution gives him much wider powers than his predecessor .

  13. 圣安东尼奥市的前任市长是拉美裔美国人。

    The former mayor of San Antonio is Hispanic .

  14. 这届政府从前任那里接过了一个非常棘手的烂摊子。

    The government inherited an impossible situation from its predecessors

  15. 他从未表现出他前任的那种近乎傲慢的自信。

    He has never exhibited the self-confidence , bordering on arrogance , of his predecessor

  16. 他坚称他所知道的一切都获自前任肯尼思·赛瑟姆。

    He maintained that he learned everything he knew from his predecessor Kenneth Sisam .

  17. 他的前任受到了同样热烈的欢迎。

    His predecessor was accorded an equally tumultuous welcome

  18. 他的前任司机声称自己因为种族歧视而遭到了不公平解雇。

    His former chauffeur is claiming unfair dismissal on the grounds of racial discrimination .

  19. 她的寡言少语和前任们的光鲜亮丽、明星范儿十足形成了鲜明的对比。

    Her reticence was in sharp contrast to the glamour and star status of her predecessors

  20. 你的前任雇主若对本案存有异议,必须在14天内予以答复。

    Your former employer has to reply within 14 days in order to contest the case

  21. 暗示他不会比前任们更有作为是不公平的。

    It would be unfair to suggest that he will be no more effective than his predecessors

  22. 该党的前任财政部长帮助筹集了近4,000万英镑用于竞选。

    The former party treasurer helped raise almost £ 40 million to fight the election campaign .

  23. 这就使得首相和他的前任们一样,急于削减工资。

    This leaves the Prime Minister , like his predecessors , earnestly trying to talk down wages .

  24. 很多人认为前任部长们一年仅参加几次理事会就轻而易举地捞取了25,000英镑的报酬。

    Many people think that ex-ministers are trousering £ 25,000 in fees simply for going to a few board meetings a year .

  25. 那位强硬的年轻妇女排挤走了前任校长,她自己现在当了校长。

    That forceful young woman edged out the former headmaster and is now headmaster herself .

  26. 他是前任总理。

    He is the former premier .

  27. 卢达克里斯和美国银行前任首席执行官肯·刘易斯,以及《VICE》的第一位女主编埃利斯·琼斯都是我的大学校友

    Ludacris and the former CEO of Bank of America Ken Lewis are alumni of my college , as well as VICE 's first female editor-in-chief , Ellis Jones .

  28. 与许多美联储前任领导人不同,耶伦并不赞同应该让金融业自行监管的观点。

    Unlike many past Fed leaders , Yellen is not one to buy into the finance industry 's argument that it should be left alone to regulate itself .

  29. 联合国教科文组织世界遗产中心负责监管遗产地,其前任负责人是威尼斯人弗朗西斯科·班德林,他现在担仼联合国教科文组织文化助理总干事。

    The former head of the UNESCO World Heritage Centre , which oversees heritage sites , is Francesco Bandarin , a Venetian who now serves as UNESCO 's assistant director-general for culture .

  30. 新政府正着手废除其前任所制定的法律

    The new government set about dismantling their predecessors ' legislation .