
  • 网络progressive metal;prog metal
  1. 技术死亡金属:技术死亡金属和‘前卫死亡金属’是有关联的叫法,用于指明因乐曲复杂而成一派的乐队。

    Technical death metal : Technical death metal and'progressive death metal'are related terms that refer to bands distinguished by the complexity of their music .

  2. 被描述为技术死亡金属或前卫死亡金属的乐队通常混合了普通的死亡金属美学和前卫摇滚、爵士乐或古典乐的元素。

    Bands described as technical death metal or progressive death metal usually fuse common death metal aesthetics with elements of progressive rock , jazz or classical music .

  3. 但技术死亡金属这一术语有时也用来描述既强调复杂性又关注速度和极端性的乐队,前卫和技术死亡金属之间的界线并不清晰。

    While the term technical death metal is sometimes used to describe bands that focus on speed and extremity as well as complexity , the line between progressive and technical death metal is thin .