
tì xū dāo
  • shaver;razor
  1. 食人杀手杰弗里·达默被抓到试图将一片剃须刀片藏在牢房里。

    Cannibal killer Jeffrey Dahmer has been caught trying to hide a razor blade in his cell .

  2. 这个周末我想买一个电动剃须刀。

    I want to buy an electric razor this weekend .

  3. 他们正在生产一次性剃须刀。

    Now they are producing throwaway razors .

  4. 这些剃须刀都已经配好了电池。

    The shavers come complete with batteries .

  5. 爸爸需要一个新的电子剃须刀。

    Father needs a new electronic shaver .

  6. 目前,“速递按钮”可以订购咖啡、清洁剂、剃须刀、厕纸、纸尿裤、湿纸巾、果汁、狗粮、垃圾袋、奶酪通心粉和餐巾纸等。

    So far there are Dash buttons for coffee , detergent3 , razors , toilet paper , diapers , wipes , juice , dog food , trash bags , macaroni and cheese and napkins , among other items .

  7. 威尔金(WillKing)是KingofShaves的创始人及现任首席执行官,该公司是一家总部位于英国的剃须刀以及剃须啫喱生产商。

    Will King is founder and CEO of King Of Shaves , the UK-based razor and shaving gel company .

  8. 这家吉列(Gillette)剃须刀和佳洁士(Crest)牙膏的制造商,公布了一项剥离100个品牌的新方案。

    The maker of Gillette razors and Crest toothpaste has unveiled a plan to shed up to 100 brands .

  9. 33.2%的学生认为AIDS可以治愈,55.5%的学生知道纹身、穿耳、拔牙可以感染AIDS,15.8%的学生知道与艾滋病感染者(HIV)共用剃须刀可以感染AIDS。

    33.2 % believe that AIDS can be cured of , 55.5 % think tattoo , ear-puncturing and teeth-extracting may infect AIDS , 15.8 % are aware that sharing the same shaver with a HIV may be infected .

  10. 为博朗(Braun)设计过剃须刀和收音机等产品的设计师迪特尔•拉姆斯(DieterRams),是乔纳森爵士崇拜的人之一。

    One of Sir Jonathan 's heroes is Dieter Rams , the designer of Braun products such as shavers and radios .

  11. 今年,吉列(Gillette)首次推出了一则必将载入剃须刀刀片营销史册的电视广告。

    This year Gillette debuted a 30-second television spot that will go down in the annals of razor blade marketing .

  12. 他表示,汇率走势对汰渍(tide)洗涤用品和吉列(gillette)剃须刀生产厂家宝洁“很不利”,但该集团在当前季度将继续面对“非常严峻的大宗商品成本变动趋势”。

    He said currency trends were a " negative development " for P & G , which makes tide laundry detergent and Gillette razors , but that the group would continue to face " very difficult commodity cost comparisons " in the current quarter .

  13. 为此,格雷戈里的研究生尼克·杰弗里(NickJeffery)从大学的温室里采了一棵小洋葱拿到实验室,然后递给我一把单刃安全剃须刀,和我一起在培养皿中把洋葱茎切碎。

    To run the test , Gregory 's graduate student Nick Jeffery brought a young onion plant to the lab from the university greenhouse . He handed me a single-edged safety razor , and then the two of us chopped up onion stems in petri dishes .

  14. Walker&Company公司创始人兼首席执行官特里斯坦·沃克(TristanWalker)表示,由于投资者缺乏多样性,在针对不同于他们的人生产的产品上,他们不见得能理解其价值。该公司为少数族裔人士提供保健及美容产品,比如Bevel剃须刀。

    Because of investors " lack of diversity , they do not necessarily understand the value of companies that make products for customers who are not like them , said Tristan Walker , founder and chief executive of Walker & Company , which makes health and beauty products for minorities , including the Bevel razor .

  15. 在这则30秒钟的广告中,演员布兰登•奎因向观众讲述,吉列让他环游世界,来见证一下ProGlide剃须刀头可以使用多长时间。

    Actor Brandon Quinn begins by telling the audience that Gillette sent him around the world to see how long he could shave with a single ProGlide cartridge .

  16. 创立于2012年中期的Teabox,还效仿销售葡萄酒、剃须刀片、化妆品和有机产品的网站的成功做法,推出了一套提供个性化选择的订购模式。

    Teabox , which started in mid-2012 , is introducing a subscription model offering personalized tea selections , replicating similar successes of online sites selling wine , razor blades , cosmetics and organic products .

  17. 请帮我把楼下房间里的电动剃须刀拿来。

    Please fetch me the electric shaver from the room downstairs .

  18. 随着刀片数量的增加,剃须刀头替换装的价格也在上涨。

    As blade counts rose , so did replacement cartridge prices .

  19. 在剃须刀插座边上装一面放大镜。

    Do place a shaving mirror close to the shaver socket .

  20. 浴室里有供电动剃须刀用的电源插座。

    There is a power point for shavers in the bathroom .

  21. 这种剃须刀可以充电供旅行时使用。

    The shaver can be charged up and used when travelling .

  22. 刀头,非电动剃须刀用他弄缺了剃刀刀口。

    Head cutting for non-electric shavers He nicked the razor .

  23. 直到有一天,老爸发现了一个秘密武器&剃须刀。

    Then one day , fathers discovered a special weapon .

  24. 橄榄油可以润滑刀片,保护剃须刀表面。

    The oil will lubricate the metal and naturally protect the surface .

  25. 他的硬胡子把剃须刀的刀口给弄钝了。

    His stiff beard turns the edge of the razor .

  26. 每年有大约200万丢弃的剃须刀被丢到垃圾场。

    Every year , 2 million disposable razors end up in landfills .

  27. 我则更喜欢用剃须刀。

    As for me , I 'd prefer a razor .

  28. 推销你们的剃须刀不很顺利。

    Promoting the sale of your shavers has proved unsuccessfull .

  29. 不要拆卸或粗暴地操作电动剃须刀。

    Do not disassemble or handle the shave roughly .

  30. 如果你大声推荐一款好的剃须刀,她会很感激你的直率的。

    She 'll appreciate your frankness if you loudly recommend a good strimmer .