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chà nà; chà nuó
  • instant;split second
刹那 [chà nà]
  • [instant;split second] 极短的时间;一念之间

刹那[chà nà; chà nuó]
  1. 这一切都发生在一刹那间。

    It all happened in an instant .

  2. 刹那间他一动也不动了。

    He remained motionless for an instant .

  3. 在见到她的一刹那,他的心跳顿了一下。

    His heart missed a beat when he saw her .

  4. 在一刹那间,他们的目光交汇在了一起。

    Their eyes met for a split second .

  5. 时针和分针叠合的刹那,钟声敲响了。

    The bell began to toll the moment the hour and minute hands coincided .

  6. 刹那间,他倒在地上,不省人事。

    Suddenly he collapsed and lost consciousness .

  7. 就在即将撞上那条小船的一刹那间,船长停住了船。

    The captain was able to bring the ship to just before it hit the little boat .

  8. 就在这清晰的一刹那,Leah迈出了重要的一步,战胜了她内心对改变的抗拒,做出了迈出更大脚步的坚定承诺。

    In that moment of clarity Leah made an important leap , conquering her inner resistance to change and making a firm commitment to take bigger steps .

  9. “我记得我和阿姨一起坐在一个瑜伽室的长椅上,”她说,“当即就有了清晰的一刹那。”

    " I remember sitting on a bench with my aunt at a yoga studio , ' ' she said , having a moment of clarity right then and there :

  10. 一刹那间,我丈夫的脸拉了下来,他看起来很担心。

    In a second , my husband 's face fell and he looked so worried .

  11. 决不要害怕刹那——永恒之声这样唱着。

    Never be afraid of the moments -- thus sings the voice of the everlasting3 .

  12. 他的衣服还有手中的匕首都清楚地出现在我面前,刹那间往事浮现在我脑海里。

    I could clearly see the details of his clothes , the knife , and then history caught up with me .

  13. 我盯着成绩单,一刹那间没有反应过来,当我意识到我期末考试成绩是四个A时,我高兴得尖叫起来。

    For a split second I just stared at the results , then I screamed for joy as I realised I got four As in my final exams .

  14. 我赶忙过去握他的手,刹那间我毛骨悚然——当他向我微笑的时候,我看见他满嘴的黄牙,都已裂开了,布满了红色的斑点……

    I went to shake the mans hand , and froze in fear , when the man smiled , his teeth were yellow , and they had cracks stained with something red ...

  15. 哇&当艾玛穿着这件大胆的Chanel流苏羽毛礼服走出来的刹那,所有人都大跌眼镜。

    Wow – our jaws hit the floor when Emma stepped out in this daring Chanel fringed and feathered dress .

  16. Q.如果地球上的所有人都尽可能挤在同一个地方,一起跳起,然后全部在一刹那间同时落地,会发生什么?--

    Q. What would happen if everyone on Earth stood as close to each other as they could and jumped , everyone landing on the ground at the same instant ?

  17. Q.如果我在一辆摩托车上,在驶上四分之一圆弧坡道时跳离摩托车,那么那一刹那我的速度需要有多快才能安全离开摩托车,并且用降落伞安全着地?

    Q. If I were on a motorbike and do a jump off a quarter pipe ramp , how fast would I need to be moving to safely deploy and land using the parachute ?

  18. 耶鲁公开课-文学理论导论课程节选列维,施特劳斯写道:,不论语言是何时何种环境下,在动物的历史中诞生的,语言只可能是一刹那间诞生。vt.猛击;[俚语]偷窃;刷…卡n.猛击;尖刻的话vi.猛打

    Levi-Strauss writes : Whatever may have been the moment and the circumstances of its appearance in the scale of animal life , language could only have been born in one fell swoop .

  19. 刹那间,柯莉已身处一群狗的蹄爪之下。

    In a moment she was under a crowd of dogs .

  20. 在那刹那,我觉得你是一个日本人。

    For a second , I thought you were a jap .

  21. 在我踩上去的一刹那那旧木板裂开了。

    The old board splintered the moment I stepped on it .

  22. 我的心在刹那间被深深地震撼了。

    My heart were in the in a flash shocked profoundly .

  23. 他刹那间丧失了神志,成了一头尖叫的畜生。

    For an instant he was insane , a screaming animal .

  24. 刹那的喧嚣,嘲笑着永恒的乐音。

    The noise of the moment scoffs at the Eternal .

  25. 传说中,在你最心爱的人死去的一刹那。

    Legend has it , in your most beloved people dead moment .

  26. 我的想念漂浮不定,我的感情一直不在。刹那间。

    I miss adrift , my feelings have been absent .

  27. 刹那间我有了一个可编织成这种线衫的大胆设计。

    Suddenly I pictured a daring design knitted into such a sweater .

  28. 刹那间他变得歇斯底里起来。

    For a moment he was seized by a kind of hysteria .

  29. 于是我又想起了你,在某一时刻,某一刹那。

    So I was remember u in some moment , some instant .

  30. 有那么一刹那我以为他走了。

    For one split second I thought he was gone .