
shā chē jù lí
  • braking distance
  1. 利用概率知识,基于Matlab进行编程,由一组关于刹车距离的数据推断出可靠性分布模型,并对其进行了仿真。

    Using probability theory and a Matlab-based program , the reliability distribution models was deduced from the braking distance data .

  2. 据交警介绍,空挡滑行会导致车子刹车距离延长,容易追尾。

    According to the traffic police introduction , neutral will lead to the car braking distance taxi , easy to extend the collision .

  3. 这些非稳定因素是由于制动时车轮抱死而产生的,汽车防抱死制动系统ABS(Anti-lockbrakingsystem)可以避免制动时的这些不利因素,缩短刹车距离,保证汽车安全制动。

    Non-stable factors are generated by the locked wheels . These non-stable factors can be avoided by Anti-lock Braking System ( ABS ) during braking , braking distance can be shorten also , and the safety braking can be guaranteed .

  4. 你觉得刹车踏板的距离怎样?

    How we doing with the pedals over there ?

  5. 在乘客的帮助下,列车司机紧急刹车,列车在距离妇女咫尺的地方停下。

    With the help of passengers , the train drivers , emergency brake , the train away from the stop at places where women 's right close by .

  6. 实验结果表明:采用此控制算法,提高了刹车的效率,缩短了刹车距离,提升了飞机制动性能,增强了系统的鲁棒性。

    The results indicate that this method can improve braking efficiency , shorten braking distance , boost up aircraft braking performance and robustness .