
zhì dìnɡ fǎ
  • statute;statute law;statutory law
  • statutory
  1. 论习惯法与国家制定法的冲突与融合&基于法律社会学的视角

    A Sociological Study of the Relation between Custom Law and Statute

  2. 欲使此种状况有所改观,仅仅依靠加强制定法是远远不能解决问题的,还需要充分发挥判例的作用。

    It is impossible for statute law alone to solve this problem .

  3. 以往自然法学研究的重点是一种独立于国家制定法之上的外在道德价值目标,即法的目的的道德性,追求实体正义(externalmoralityoflaw)。

    The latter aims at the target of the moral value , independent from the laws laid down by the state government , i. e. the morality of the objectives of the law is to seek the external morality of law .

  4. 本文以美国判例法、制定法为线索,以代表性判例为依托,分析了ISP责任的立法和理论演变,讨论了代理侵权、辅助侵权责任和制定法对该责任的补充和细化问题。

    This article analyses the evolution of the theory and legislation of ISP in US by reviewing the case law and statutes . Liability of tort by agents and by assistance and its supplement and details are discussed .

  5. 关于英国诱惑侦查的历史发展,介绍了从18世纪以来的两大发展阶段,重点阐述了1980年Sang案以后在制定法与普通法规制方面取得的长足进展。

    As to the development of inductive investigation in the United Kingdom , this part introduces the two important stages of development from the 18 ~ ( th ) Century , and makes a detailed introduction about the development of this approach since the Sang case in 1980 .

  6. 包括制定法来源和非制定法来源。

    Including the development of sources of law and non-statutory sources .

  7. 制定法缺陷的有效弥补方式

    The Effective Remediation Way of Limitation of the Positive Law

  8. 制定法局限性与判例法借鉴

    Limitations of Statute Law Sources and Reference to Case Law

  9. 法律推理的大前提主要有制定法和判例。

    Here the big premises mainly consists of statue and case law .

  10. 不能认为制定法贬损国际法。

    Statutes are not to be presumed to derogate from international law .

  11. 回族习惯法和国家制定法存在着某些一致性的东西。

    Hui customary law and state laws exist some consistency .

  12. 其次,分析了欧盟税法的法律渊源,并对制定法作了深入的分析。

    Second , the legal resources of European Community Tax Law are analyzed .

  13. 一般认为,我国是制定法国家。

    Think commonly , our country is developing countries .

  14. 美国成文法包括制定法与统一法两部分,制定法居于其中重要地位。

    The American written law is made up of statutory law and uniform law .

  15. 为寻求公司债权人的法律保护,各国法律明确规定了公司设立的制定法根据。

    Various company acts in the world are formed by a uniform statutory act .

  16. 资本充足性监管的法律渊源大体来自于国际惯例、区域国际制定法和国内成文法;

    This is the major content of legal relationship adjusted by laws on capital adequacy .

  17. 民间法在制定法变迁过程中的功能&以制度变迁理论为分析视角

    Folk Law Function in Statute Law Change

  18. 制定法在中国历史悠久,它作为中国法律的主要表现形式沿袭至今。

    Statutory law as the main legal form , it has a long history in China .

  19. 对思想与表达两分法原则含义的把握,应同时从制定法与判例法两个方面来进行分析。

    The principle should be analyzed from such two respects as drafted law and precedent law .

  20. 制定法与判例法之社会适应性比较成文法的局限性及其弥补

    A Comparison of Social Adaptation of Statutory Law and Case Law Limitation and Makeup of Statutory Law

  21. 这种影响主要体现在:推动了英国国际私法制定法的新发展;

    The influence shows as follows : promote new development of statute in English private international law ;

  22. 在大陆法系国家则主要依靠制定法对秘密侦查予以法律规制。

    In civil law countries , secret investigation has been mainly regulated by the rule of law .

  23. 新《公司法》以制定法的方式确立了我国的公司法人人格否认制度。

    The New PRC Corporate Law establishes the system of Disregard of the Corporate Entity in the PRC .

  24. 习惯法在刑法适用解释过程中,同制定法一起发挥作用。

    Customary law plays a role together with the statutory law in the application interpretation of criminal law .

  25. 这一法系的一大特点就是注重制定法,由法律创设权利。

    The civil law system has been characteristic of stressing statutes , in which rights are set down .

  26. 国家制定法又会留下一些空白地带由民间习惯法来加以调整。

    But also folk conventions should be put into practice to secure the loophole left in the statute law .

  27. 它既有别于国家制定法和民间法,也不同于法律移植和法律本土化。

    It is different from the statue law , civil method , the law transplant , and law localizations .

  28. 谋杀罪在英美刑法中既是普通法上的一种严重犯罪,同时也是制定法中的严重犯罪。

    Murder is a kind of serious crime in both common laws and statutory laws of English-American criminal laws .

  29. 因此,民事习惯可以在一定程度上弥补国家制定法的缺陷。

    Therefore , civil customs to a certain extent can compensate for the defects of the national statutory law .

  30. 人民法院裁判案件的依据主要是国家制定法,但对民俗习惯也不是一概排斥。

    People judge the case based mainly on State Law , but not to a blanket exclusion of folk customs .