
lì rùn lǜ
  • profit margin;profit rate;rate of profit
利润率[lì rùn lǜ]
  1. 他们将借款成本转嫁,将其算到利润率里面。

    They pass on their cost of borrowing and add it to their profit margin

  2. 去年,这个集团的纯利润率为30%。

    The group had a net profit margin of 30 % last year .

  3. 公司调低了利润率。

    The firm had shaved profit margins .

  4. 你的平均营业利润率是多少?

    What are your average operating margins ?

  5. 为了维持资金周转,利润率已被降为最低。

    Profit margins have been slashed to the bone in an attempt to keep turnover moving .

  6. 为了保持利润率,常置卫生和安全规章于不顾。

    In order to maintain profit margins health and safety regulations are often put to one side .

  7. 限制运力将能够保持航空公司的利润率。

    Limit the capacity of airlines will be able to maintain profit margins .

  8. 这种面对面的竞争会让他们有足够的意愿通过接受更低的利润率的方式或者通过从供应方那里获得更好交易的方式来降价。

    And the head-to-head competition might give them a strong incentive to lower their prices , perhaps by accepting slimmer profit margins or demanding better deals from providers .

  9. 而其web服务业务将取得更强健的利润率。

    And its Web services business will earn an even stronger margin .

  10. 文章从利润率和资金周转率两个方面解释了RFID对资金回报率的影响。

    So in this essay , RFID 's impactions on profit and return on investment are discussed .

  11. 苹果公司想推出一台价格低廉的iPhone,同时仍然维持其行业领先的利润率水平。

    Apple wants to offer a lower priced iPhone while still maintaining their industry leading profit margins .

  12. 在合理施肥确定边际利润率值〔1〕的基础上,应用数学方法给出一种确定投资风险预测阈值K的方法。

    On the basis of determination of marginal profit rate in rational application of fertilizer , a mathematical model of determing threshold k , of investment risk is established .

  13. 财务绩效选用净资产收益率、营业利润率、每股收益为会计指标和托宾Q值为市场指标进行衡量。

    Accounting indicators , such as ROE , profit margin , earnings per share , and Tobin Q value as market indicator were selected to measure Financial performance .

  14. 而CRM关注的正是企业最关心的问题:识别、保持和提升最佳客户的利润率。

    And what CRM pay close attention to is what businesses are interested in : distinguishing , keeping and raising the profit rate of the best customers .

  15. 结论:徐州市CT的检查成本远低于检查收费,利润率平均达到120.8%,但接近一半的CT无法在规定期限内收回投资。

    Conclusion The payment is higher than the cost of CT in Xuzhou . The ratio of profit is 120.8 % , but half of CT can 't take back of the investment in regular time .

  16. 通过构建和实施CRM系统,将有效的协助企业维系现有客户、挖掘潜在客户,从而增加企业利润率并提升企业核心竞争力。

    Constructing and implementing CRM system will help enterprise retain available customers , mining latent customers , then add enterprise profit rate and improving enterprise core competitive power .

  17. 在联合技术公司旗下的普惠发动机公司(Pratt&Whitney),营业利润率为12.9%。

    At United 's engine-maker Pratt & Whitney , operating margins stand at 12.9 % .

  18. 她在雅虎担任CEO期间虽未增加公司收入,但她确实降低了成本,提高了利润率,这两项都称得上是管理层采取的有力的措施。

    During her time at the company , Bartz may not have boosted revenue , but she did cut costs and improve profit margins & both solid management moves .

  19. 但在近两年,GF公司的发展势头却锐减,销售增长缓慢,利润率下降,新产品成长缓慢。

    But in recent years , but the momentum of development of company GF , sales growth and decline in margins , new product develop slowly .

  20. 该公司去年10月警告称,由于iphone5、ipadmini和imac等许多产品同步上市,其利润率将会承受压力。

    The company warned in October that margins would be put under pressure by the simultaneous launch of many products , including the iPhone 5 , ipad Mini and IMAC .

  21. 对于GMAT考试的监管机构研究生入学管理委员会(GraduateManagementAdmissionCouncil,下文简称GMAC)而言,这项考试的利润率甚至超过了苹果公司(Apple)的iPad平板电脑和iPhone手机。

    For the organization that oversees the test , the Graduate Management Admission Council , profit margins on the exam are even better than the margins apple ( AAPL ) makes on the iPad and the iPhone .

  22. FPACrescent基金的经理罗米克(StevenRomick)说,资本昂贵又稀缺,意味着利润率和市场价值的下降。

    Expensive and scarce capital translates into lower profit margins and market values , says Steven Romick , manager of the FPA Crescent Fund .

  23. 彭博(Bloomberg)统计显示,在标准普尔500指数中,信息技术业的营运利润率中值为21.6%,高于能源业的18.1%和金融业的17.6%。

    According to Bloomberg , the S & P500 's information technology sector had a median operating margin of21.6 % , higher than the energy sector's18.1 % margin and the financial sector's17.6 % margin .

  24. 福里斯特研究的BryanWang称,小米可能将需要在海外市场调整业务模式,通过提高手机售价来提高利润率,以便帮助公司维持在相关国家扩张的费用。

    Mr. Wang , of Forrester , said Xiaomi will likely have to tweak its business model abroad , charging more for phones to make the margins to support the outlays it will take to expand into those countries .

  25. 瑞银(USB)驻台北分析师谢宗文(ArthurHsieh)称,这压低了生产商的利润率,因为它们必须花时间测试每款产品的最佳制造方法,并相应地重新部署生产线。

    That is pushing down profit margins for manufacturers , who must spend time testing how best to make each product and restructuring their production lines accordingly , says Arthur Hsieh , an analyst with UBS in Taipei .

  26. 此外,受到电子商务发展的局限,各大门户网站在B2C这个利润率相当高的领域内发展受阻,这直接影响到门户网站的发展。

    In addition , due to the limitations of e-commerce development , major portal sites in the field of B2C which has a very high profit margin arrested development , resulting in directly affecting the development of the portals .

  27. Jha表示,从长远看为了得到较高的利润率,摩托罗拉必须能够提供差异化的软件。

    Jha said he knows that in order for Motorola to produce the kind of profit margins it wants long-term , it will have to be able to differentiate its software .

  28. 3M公司,作为全球500强之一的制造企业,这几年来在中国的投资和发展是引人注目的,加强采购管理及对采购流程的优化也成为了提高3M中国有限公司边际利润率的关键所在。

    3M , as one of the biggest manufacturers in global 500 , during recent years its investment in China is very obvious , to manage and re-engineer the procurement procedure becomes the main issue of obtaining more profit to the company .

  29. 国际管理咨询公司埃森哲(Accenture)在本周一发表的一份报告中得出的结论是:对于在中国拥有大型生产基地的企业来说,最低工资提高30%,仅会使利润率下降1%至5%。

    Accenture , the global management consultancy , concluded in a report published on Monday that a minimum wage rise of 30 per cent would cut margins by just 1 to 5 per cent for companies with a large Chinese manufacturing base .

  30. 基于可获得的CCBA最新数据,并假设它有比CCH更高的估值倍数(鉴于两者在利润率上的差别),法国兴业银行(SocGen)认为,购买SAB所持的57%股份可能需要60亿美元。

    Based on the latest data available for CCBA , and assuming a higher valuation multiple than CCH 's ( given the difference in margins ) , SAB 's 57 per cent stake could cost as much as $ 6bn , thinks SocGen .