
lì xī shōu yì
  • interest income
  1. 对金融机构来说,票据贴现可获得利息收益较多、资金收回较快、资金收回较安全等。

    For the financial organ , the bill discounting may obtain more interest income ; the fund takes back quickly and safely .

  2. 美国有一些有息债券,如政府债券,它允许持有人在利息收益上有一定的免税。

    In the u.s.some interest-bearing bonds , such as municipals , entitle the bearer to an exemption from certain taxes on interest income .

  3. 平均创收资产(简写为AEA):创收资产的平均利息收益减去平均借款成本。

    Average earning assets - AEA : Average interest return on earning assets less average rate of Borrowing costs .

  4. 贷款的利息收益归这些“行业和作者”所有。

    These " field partners " keep the interest charged on the loans .

  5. 与贷款一样,这些证券也能给美联储带来利息收益。

    The central bank earns interest on these securities as it does on its loans .

  6. 但是银行也必须应对原本已经很低的净利息收益率变得更低的境况。

    But banks will also have to deal with lower net interest margins , which are pretty thin already .

  7. 去年建行对外公布其利润超过了2140亿元人民币,约合美元350亿。在如此丰厚的收益中建行表示4000亿元人民币属于净利息收益,约合640多亿美元。

    Last year , the company reported more than 214 billion yuan in profits , or roughly $ 35 billion .

  8. 高息外币投资存款助您于汇价窄幅波动时,赚取比一般定期存款更高之利息收益。

    Convertible deposit allows you two weeks to enjoy interest returns higher than normal time deposits when exchange rate fluctuation is low .

  9. 可以产生手续费收益、汇兑收益、平盘收益、利息收益等直接的经济效益。

    It produces the handling charge income , the remittance income , the interest income and so on as the direct economic income .

  10. 那么,它的主要是中国经济繁荣,更具体地说较高的利息收益,他们已经赚,呃

    Well , it 's mainly Chinese economic boom , and more specifically the higher interest income that they 've been earning , er

  11. 债券投资分短期投资和长期投资,利息收益也有分期收到和一次收到,根据权责发生制原则计提的应收利息收益,一个属于流动资产,一个属于长期资产。

    Bond investment can be classified into short-term investment and long-term investment . The means of receiving interest include installment receipt and lump-sum receipt .

  12. 随着金融全球化、金融自由化、金融信息化趋势的发展,金融市场的竞争日趋激烈,商业银行传统的收入来源&利息收益大大降低。

    Along with globality , liberalization and information tendency of finance , money market competition will be intense . Interest profit of commercial banks is decreasing .

  13. 大量的提前偿付对商业银行产生了很大的不良影响,直接造成商业银行利息收益的减少以及成本的损失。

    A large number of prepayments had a significant adverse impact on commercial banks . It directly resulted the decrease of interest income and the loss of cost .

  14. 美联储若将相同数额的资金投资于3月期美国国债,估计将获得50亿美元利息收益。自2007年8月起算,两者的差值就构成了140亿美元的盈利。

    The interest the Fed would have earned by investing the same amount in T-bills was an estimated $ 5bn , leaving a $ 14bn gain since August 2007 .

  15. 以贷款利息收益最大为目标,以线性规划为工具,建立了基于期权调整持续期的银行资产负债组合优化模型。

    It takes the maximum interest rate of loans as the target and linear programming as the tool to set up the optimized asset-liability portfolio model based on option-adjusted duration .

  16. 为了绕开这个条款,许多美国公司都设立了“通账户”,利用电子支付设备将资金转到开曼,在这些资金转回国内前将其作为隔夜拆借赚取利息收益。

    To get around this , many American banks set up " sweep accounts " that electronically funnel money to Cayman for an interest-earning overnight stay before being swept back home .

  17. 这将是此案的独立的个人的税务处理的利息收益,又因为分离的储蓄和投资方面的资本市场。

    This would be the case independent of the personal tax treatment of interest income , again because of the separation of the savings and investment side of the capital market .

  18. 商业银行信贷是商业银行获得收益的一个主要渠道。它通过与市场中的个人、企事业单位发生借贷关系,获得利息收益。

    Commercial bank credit is a main channel to gain benefit for commercial bank , which could obtain the interest income by the lending relationship with individual and enterprises in the market .

  19. 尽管东亚银行核心的香港借贷业务利润率持平,但中国业务的净利息收益率(衡量贷款业务盈利能力的指标)从2012年的2.15%升至2.29%,令分析师感到意外。

    While the profit margin for BEA 's core Hong Kong lending business was flat , its China operation 's net interest margin a gauge of lending profitability raised analysts eyebrows by jumping to 2.29 % from 2.15 % in 2012 .

  20. 结果发现,外资银行进入与国内银行的税前利润和管理费用负相关,而与净利息收益和非货款收益却正相关,且外资银行进入对股份制商业银行的冲击更大。

    It finds out that the entry of foreign banks is negatively related with the before tax profit and overhead of domestic banks , while positively with net interest margin and non-loan income , and has bigger impact on stock holding commercial banks .

  21. 所有者权益账户的变更,例如贷款利息,收益分摊和提款账户。

    Changes in Capital account , such as interest on loan , share of profit and Drawing , etc.

  22. 另外,维修基金利息净收益转作维修基金滚存使用和管理。

    In addition , net interest on maintenance funds to repair the fund accumulated for the use and management .

  23. 因此,企业并不是负债率越高越好,而是应在于利息税收收益正好等于由此带来的破产成本和代理成本这一点上,在该点企业资本结构达到最优化。

    So it does not mean that the higher the debt rate is , the better the corporation is . The capital structure of a company can be optimized only when a balance is struck between income interest tax , and the sum of bankruptcy cost and agency cost .

  24. 这就抑制了银行来自利息收入的收益增长。

    That has limited their earnings growth from interest income .

  25. 实际上,由于利息费用与收益之间的关系,较高的赚取利息倍数也体现了较高的盈利能力。

    Actually , because of the relation of the interest expenses and the income , the higher times-interest-earned ratio also indicates the stronger profitability .

  26. 对于大多数银行来说,信贷资产占到银行总资产的一半以上,其带来的利息与费用收益占银行总收入的50%-60%。

    For most commercial banks , loan asset could overweigh half of their whole asset , and bring an interest and fee income about 50 % - 60 % of the whole commercial bank income .

  27. 1997年,戴安娜王妃在巴黎的一次车祸中丧生。英国王位第二继承人威廉王子现在可以支配母亲留给他的1300万美元的遗产所产生的利息和其它收益。

    William , who is second in line to the throne , gains access to the interest and other income accrued on the $ 13 million he was left by his mother , who died in a Paris car crash in1997 .

  28. 前项借入款项之目的,应以依资产证券化计划配发或偿还利益、本金、利息或其它收益为限,并经全体董事同意后为之。

    The purpose of the any amount borrowed under the preceding paragraph shall be limited to distribution or repayment of the profits , principal , interests , or other proceeds in accordance with the asset securitization plan , and shall be done with the consent of all directors .

  29. 答:养老保险基金的来源包括单位和被保险人缴纳的养老保险费;养老保险基金的银行存款利息;基金收益;滞纳金;地方财政拨款;社会捐赠;其他收入。

    Answer : the origin of endowment insurance fund includes the endowment insurance cost of unit and insurant pay ; the bank deposit accrual of endowment insurance fund ; fund income ; fine for delaying payment ; local finance allocates funds ; the society is donated ; other income .

  30. 核准的薪金和利息补贴超过净收益

    Authorized salary and interest allowance in excess of net income