
  • 网络Rick;Robert Zoellick;lick;Leak
  1. “我们希望看到偷猎者站在铁窗后面,而不是老虎,”世界银行行长罗伯特佐?利克说。

    " We want to see poachers behind bars , not tigers ," says World Bank President Robert Zoellick .

  2. 利克概述了自己改变美食信仰的经历:最初她被标准美国饮食(StandardAmericanDiet,真是悲哀)蒙蔽,活得凄凄惨惨;

    Leake outlines her own Puritan conversion narrative in which she progressed from a bleak existence , blinded and hobbled by the Standard American Diet ( SAD , so sad ) ;

  3. 作为美联储(Fed)理事之一,格拉姆利克在2004年就公开警告了次贷激增的内在风险,这些贷款助长了房地产市场的繁荣。

    A governor of the US Federal Reserve , Gramlich warned publicly in 2004 of the risks inherent in the explosion of subprime lending that fuelled the housing boom .

  4. 利克和39岁的霍纳坎普是一个名为“11月计划”(NovemberProject)的清晨锻炼快闪族的纽约领头人。该计划2011年始于波士顿,之后扩散到美国和加拿大的19个城市。

    Mr. Leak and Mr. Honerkamp , 39 , are the New York leaders of an early-morning workout flash mob known as the November Project , which began in Boston in 2011 and has since spread to 19 cities in the United States and Canada .

  5. 美联储唯一批评过抵押市场和房地产市场过度行为的高级官员是已经过世的爱德华格拉姆利克(edwardgramlich),他的请求当时被忽视了。

    The only senior official at the Fed who railed against the excesses of the mortgage market and the housing market was the late Edward gramlich , whose entreaties were ignored .

  6. 利克计数器对热能和中能中子响应的测定

    Measurement of the response of Leake counter for thermal and middle-energy neutron

  7. 利克会在边境保护你。

    Rico 's going to see you to the border .

  8. 听着,我是来提醒你的,有关利克的事情。

    Listen , I came to warn you , one equine to another , about Rico.

  9. 但我上次对一个白人女性实施海姆利克法,被抓进伯明翰的监狱关了六个月呢。

    but the last time I gave a white woman the heimlich , I did six months in the Birmingham city jail .

  10. 其馀百姓所捐的金子,二万达利克,银子二千弥拿,祭司的礼服六十七件。

    And that which the rest of the people gave was twenty thousand drams of gold , and two thousand pound of silver , and threescore and seven priests'garments .

  11. 格雷戈里-劳福琳在位于加州大学圣克鲁斯分校的利克天文台工作。

    Gregory Laughlin of the Lick Observatory at the University of California , Santa Cruz , said a planet of this mass could have enough gravity to hold onto an atmosphere .

  12. 这些症状可能看上去跟犯心脏病一样,但是这个人,我向你保证,海姆利克操作法可以救他!

    The symptoms may appear to be the same as those of a man suffering from a heart attack , but this man , I assure you , can be saved by the Heimlich Maneuver !

  13. 对此,策利克先生始终拒绝承认,哪怕美国已经利用双边协定来惠顾其忠诚的盟国(如澳大利亚),同时惩罚其薄情的朋友(如新西兰)。

    Mr Zoellick has always refused to admit this , even as the US has used bilateral deals to favour loyal allies ( such as Australia ) and punish fickle friends ( such as New Zealand ) .

  14. 又有族长捐入工程库的金子,二万达利克,银子二千二百弥拿。在推行这一路线的过程中,他们使几百万工人失业了。

    " and some of the heads of families gave into the store for the work twenty thousand darics of gold , and two thousand , two hundred pounds of silver . " In following out this line , they threw millions of workers out of jobs .

  15. 利克阴暗地认为,像我这样图省事的人不是在追逐健康的、不省事的、真正的食物,而是被餐馆、外卖、“罐装奶油蘑菇汤”以及她所说的“偶尔的冷冻食物晚餐”这样的猎食者吓倒了。

    Instead of hunting down healthful , real , inconvenient food , dinner-shirkers like myself are menaced , in Leake 's dark vision , by such predators as restaurants , takeout , " cans of cream of mushroom soup " and what she calls " even the occasional frozen dinner . "

  16. 而后进一步将此方法应用到兽药残留的分析,结合HPLC进行了禽肉中磺胺类、地克珠利、克球酚的同时检测,结果同样令人满意。

    We further applied this method into the analysis of veterinary residue and carried out simultaneous detection of sulfa , diclazuril and clopidol in poultry meat combined with HPLC .

  17. 多达布里开始传授室利罗摩克里希纳吠檀多伟大的真理。

    Totapuri began to impart to Sri Ramakrishna the great truths of Vedanta .

  18. 室利罗摩克里希纳问M:好,巴克提的起因是什么?

    Sri Ramakrishna asked M. , Well , what is the cause of bhakti ?

  19. 室利罗摩克里希纳站在长椅子前面,一只手放在桌面上。

    Sri Ramakrishna stood in front of the bench , with one hand resting on the table .

  20. 离开多达布里之后,室利罗摩克里希纳仍然有六个月时间仍然停留在绝对一致性的梵天里面。

    After the departure of Totapuri , Sri Ramakrishna remained for six months in a state of absolute identity with Brahman .

  21. 几分钟过后,室利罗摩克里希纳突然间离开了自己的座位,手拖着纳兰德,把他带到自己在遮蔽的阳台北部的房间。

    A few minutes later Sri Ramakrishna suddenly left his seat , took Narendra by the hand , and led him to the screened verandah north of his room .

  22. 听众:例如,基督或室利•罗摩克里希那都不想成立有组织的宗教;但是人们忘记了他们的教诲的本质,围绕着他们建立了有组织的宗教。

    Audience : For instance , neither Christ nor Ramakrishna Paramahamsa wanted an organized religion ; but forgetting the very essence of the teachings , people have built around them an organized religion .