
lì duō
  • Lido;favourable
  1. 整个经历当然是利多于弊。

    The whole experience was definitely more positive than negative .

  2. HPLC法测定氟哌利多注射液的含量

    Determination of droperidol in Droperidol Injection by HPLC

  3. 全麻患者术中静脉注射止吐剂量氟哌利多对QT间期的影响

    Effect of antiemetic-dose droperidol on the QT interval during general anesthesia

  4. 讨沦了磷矿中的MgO对化学加工过程的影响.在热法加工中,MgO的影响利多弊少,应重视利用高MgO磷矿发展热法磷肥;

    The influences of MgO on various processes for phosphate rock processing are discussed .

  5. 目的比较盐酸格拉司琼和氟哌利多在小儿静脉自控镇痛(PCA)时的抗恶心呕吐作用。

    Objective To compare the antiemetic efficacy of granisetron with droperidol in pediatric patients undergoing patient-controlled intravenous analgesia .

  6. 为什么斯内普在HBP结尾时杀死了邓不利多?

    Why did Snape kill Dumbledore at the end of HBP ?

  7. 雷莫司琼、恩丹西酮、氟哌利多预防妇科盆腔根治术后恶心呕吐及对Q-T间期的影响

    Effects of ramosetron , ondansetron and droperidol on PONV and Q-T interval in patients undergoing radical hysterectomy

  8. E组芬太尼25μg(1ml),后经导管向硬膜外腔注入氟哌利多2.5mg;

    Group E : fentanyl 25 μ g ( 1 ml ), then 2.5 mg ( 2 ml ) droperidol was injected into epidural space ;

  9. 目的观察多巴胺(dopamine,DA)及其DA受体拮抗剂氟哌利多对急性吗啡成瘾大鼠尾核中痛兴奋神经元(PEN)电活动的影响。

    Aim To observe the effect of dopamine ( DA ) and its antagonist on the electrical activities of pain excitation neurons ( PEN ) in the caudate nucleus ( Cd ) of morphine dependent rats .

  10. 33例精神病患者(男性20例,女性13例,年龄39±s12a)用氟哌利多20±5mg/d,im,共2wk。

    Thirty-three psychiatric patients ( M 20 , F13 ; age 39 ± s12 a ) were treated with droperidol , im , average daily dose of 20 ± 5 mg , for 2 wk .

  11. 连续静脉镇痛组(I组):负荷量曲马多100mg,镇痛药液为芬太尼0.012mg/kg+曲马多400mg+氟哌利多2mg,均用生理盐水稀释至100ml。

    Intravenous analgesia group ( group I ) received loading dose of tramadol 100 mg , fentanyl 0.012 mg / kg + tramadol 400 mg + droperidol 2 mg ;

  12. 在手术结束前,A、B、C组分别静脉注射生理盐水5mL、氟哌利多5mg或阿扎司琼10mg,观察每位患者用药后恶心呕吐发生情况。

    Before the operation finished , patients in three groups were separately infused normal saline 5ml ( group A ) droperidol 5mg ( groupB ) and azasetron 10mg ( group C ) . The occurrence rate of PONV within 24 hours after infusion was recorded .

  13. 一个人工智能算法自动编写程序以JK罗琳的小说《哈利·波特》为蓝本写了一个新故事,它已经成为了互联网上最搞笑的笑料,幸好JK罗琳还有她的《侦探科莫兰》系列小说,为此她真要感谢邓布利多。

    JK Rowling must be thanking Dumbledore that she has her Cormoran Strike series to fall back on , after a predictive keyboard wrote a new Harry Potter story using her books and it became the funniest thing on the internet .

  14. 术后硬膜外持续镇痛。药物为吗啡3mg、布比卡因150mg、氟哌利多3mg加生理盐水配至100ml,首次剂量4ml后,以2ml/h持续给药,维持48h。

    PCEA was given with the morphine 3 mg 、 bupivacaine 150 mg 、 droperidol 3 mg and normal saline to 100 ml , loading dose 4 ml and background infusion 2 ml / h , continuous infusion 48h .

  15. 方法择期腹部手术患者50例,手术结束后随机分为两组:对照组术毕静脉注射芬太尼0.1mg为负荷剂量后接PCA泵,泵内药物为芬太尼1.2mg、氟哌利多5mg,100ml·48h-1;

    Methods 50 patients undergoing scheduled abdominal surgery were randomly devided into two groups . In control group ( fentanyl 1 . 2 mg + droperidol 5 mg / 100 ml ), the loading dose was fentanyl 0.1 mg prior to the PCA ;

  16. Ⅰ组:芬太尼0.05mg、氟哌利多1.25mg切皮前注入硬膜外腔;Ⅱ组:芬太尼0.05mg、氟哌利利多1.25mg胎儿取出时注入硬膜外腔。

    Fentanyl 0.05 mg and droperidol 1.25 mg were injected into epidural space before the skin incision ( group I ) or at the time the foetus was taken out ( group II ) .

  17. 硬膜外组PCA药物配方为舒芬太尼80μg+氟哌利多5mg+罗哌卡因250mg用生理盐水稀释至200ml,负荷量4ml,背景剂量2ml/h,自控给药量3ml/次,锁定时间30min。

    In PCEA group , the PCA solution consisted of sufentanil 80 μ g , droperidol 5 mg , ropivacaine 250 mg diluted to 200 ml with normal saline , loading dose 4 ml , background infusion 2 ml / h , blous 3 ml , lockout time 30 min.

  18. 34例急性躁狂症随机分配至氟哌利多组(男性11例,女性7例;年龄28±s10a)和氟哌啶醇组(男性10例,女性6例;年龄29±12a)治疗。

    Thirty-four patients with acute mania were divided into group of droperidol ( M 11 , F 7 ; age 28 ± s 10 a ) and that of haloperidol ( M 10 , F6 ; age 29 ± 12 a ) at random .

  19. 但在纽约市场,午后标准普尔500指数(SP500)较上周五的8个月收盘新高下跌0.5%,令人担心的企业前景,压倒了美国住房市场进一步企稳迹象的利多效应。

    But by mid-afternoon in New York , the SP 500 had retreated 0.5 per cent from Friday 's eight-month closing high as further signs of stabilisation in the US housing market were overshadowed by worrying corporate outlooks .

  20. 我认为这样做利多弊少。

    This would do more good than harm , I thought .

  21. 阿不思邓不利多:没遇到什么麻烦吧,海格?

    Albus dumbledore : no problems , I trust , hagrid ?

  22. 结论:μ受体介导了氟哌利多对针刺镇痛的加强作用。

    CONCLUSION : Mu opioid receptors mediated the Dro-induced enhancement of AA .

  23. 恩丹西酮和氟哌利多用于预防术后恶心、呕吐

    Ondansetron and droperidol in prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting

  24. 邓不利多显然是希望我们回到这段时刻。

    Dumbledore obviously wanted us to return to this moment .

  25. 哈利:我相信邓不利多早把你看穿了。

    Harry : I bet Dumbledor saw right through you .

  26. 食死徒不能当邓不利多的间谍。

    No Death Eater shall be a spy for Dumbledore .

  27. 为上帝效劳就有利多了。

    The service of the Lord had been more profitable .

  28. 先生,您到了利多还没给钱。

    Signore , you had a ride to the Lido for nothing .

  29. 邓不利多双手接过哈利,然后转身走向德斯利一家的房子。

    Dumbledore took Harry in his arms and turned toward the Dursleys'house .

  30. 利多氟嗪的心肌保护作用机制-腺苷转运抑制

    The Myocardial Protective Mechanism of Lidofiazine : Adenosine Transport Inhibition