
  • 网络Liberty University
  1. 我期待着在海岸警卫队学院和利伯缇大学与你见面。

    And I just look forward to seeing you at the Coast Guard Academy , and at Liberty University .

  2. 罗姆尼上周在对弗吉尼亚州福音派教会的利伯缇大学的毕业生发表演讲时,再次重申了反对同性婚姻的主张。

    Mr Romney re-affirmed his opposition to gay marriage in a speech to graduates of evangelical Liberty University in Virginia last week .

  3. 本周,我很高兴地与利伯缇大学师生一道,

    This weekend , I am delighted to be participating first hand in the excitement by joining the students and faculty at Liberty University