
  1. 换句话说,尽管投资方很希望获得初始投资成本的(1+r)n,贷方通常将利率作为附加的百分比(+r部分)。

    In other words , lenders usually quote interest rates as the additional percent ( the + r part ) even though investors certainly hope to get back ( 1 + r ) n of their initial investment .

  2. 初始投资成本包括与取得长期股权投资直接相关的费用、税金及其他必要支出。

    The initial cost consists of the expenses directly relevant to the obtainment of the long-term equity investment , taxes and other necessary expenses .

  3. 以支付现金取得的长期股权投资,应当按照实际支付的购买价款作为初始投资成本。

    The initial cost of a long-term equity investment obtained by making payment in cash shall be the purchase cost which is actually paid .

  4. 由于区域供热价格具有竞争力,且初始投资成本低,所以对希腊而言尤其具有吸引力。

    District heating technology is a particularly attractive choice for Greece , mainly because of its competitive pricing policy and the low cost of initial installation .

  5. 因此,虽然新竞争者很容易进入市场(这也是价格可能会迅速下跌的原因之一),但初始投资成本也得以保持在较低水平。

    That makes it easy for new competitors to enter the market – one reason prices may fall quickly – but keeps initial investment costs low .

  6. 以发行权益性证券取得的长期股权投资,应当按照发行权益性证券的公允价值作为初始投资成本。

    The initial cost of a long-term equity investment obtained on the basis of issuing equity securities shall be the fair value of the equity securities issued .

  7. 支付补价的,按应收债权的账面价值加上支付的补价和应支付的相关税费,作为初始投资成本;

    If boot is paid , the amount of the long-term equity investment includes the book value of the claim , plus the boot and taxes payable .

  8. 投资者投入的长期股权投资,应当按照投资合同或协议约定的价值作为初始投资成本,但合同或协议约定价值不公允的除外。

    The initial cost of a long-term equity investment of an investor shall be the value stipulated in the investment contract or agreement except the unfair value stipulated in the contract or agreement .

  9. 股权投资差额是指长期股权投资采用权益法核算时,投资企业的初始投资成本与应享有被投资单位所有者权益份额之间的差额。

    Shareholders equity investment balance means the balance between original investment cost and obtain rights and interests share from invested company when the long period of investment balance adopts the accounting method of rights and interests .

  10. 大多数投资性房地产经过数年后,其市场价值不仅不会因计提折旧而低于初始投资成本,还经常高出其初始投资成本而获得大幅增值空间。

    After several years , most of the investment real estates ' market value will not only depreciation but lower than the initial investment cost , but also often higher than its initial investment cost and a substantial value-added space .

  11. 其中,初始投资成本不仅仅计及了设备购置成本(包括建设的相关费用)、土地租赁成本,还创新的引入了技术改造成本以及贷款利息,并推导了等额本息还款方式下的利息总额计算公式。

    Among them , the initial cost is taking into account not only the equipment cost , land leasing costs , but the introduction of innovative renovation costs and interest on loans . The interest in equal installments of principal and interest repayment formula is derived in this article .

  12. 尽管美元走强提高了初始投资的成本,但它是美国经济健康的结果&美国经济的表现,可以说比中国等吸引了巨额外国直接投资的新兴经济体还要好。

    While the strong dollar raises the cost of initial investments , it is the result of a healthy US economy , which has arguably performed better than emerging economies like China , which have attracted huge .

  13. 该技术符合我国以煤为主的能源结构,初始投资和运行成本较低,是一种很有前途的低氮氧化物排放技术。

    Reburning technology of superfine pulverized coal fits in with the needs of China 's energy structure with coal as the dominant fuel , with lower initial investment and operation cost , is a promising low NO x emission technology .