
  • 网络initial endowment
  1. 初始禀赋等工业地区性因素、工业增长的集约性特征和要素的投入水平是可能导致工业经济的地区差距的主要原因。

    The regional factor such as area industrialized way and initial endowment , the intensive characteristics of industry growth and the level of industry input are the main factors to cause the regional industrial economic disparities .

  2. 经典比较优势理论认为,初始禀赋配置是不同经济体参与分工与贸易的重要决定因素,在此基础上发展起来的竞争理论则进一步指出,初始比较优势不能等同于竞争优势。

    In classical comparative advantage theory , the initial endowment allocation contributes to the division of work and participation among economies and is an important determinant of trade . Competition theory which is based on this further notes that the initial comparative advantage can not be equated with competitive advantage .

  3. 初始禀赋差异造成了地方政府行为分化。

    The difference of initial endowments cause the differentiation of local government behavior .

  4. 经济改革路径的选择跟一个国家的初始禀赋息息相关。

    The choice of economic reform path of one country is vitally interrelated with its primary endow .

  5. 我们证明了当货币起着交换媒介和价值计量单位的作用时,每个以初始禀赋、资产收益和货币供给为参数的货币经济,都存在着货币均衡,且货币均衡是局部唯一的。

    We show that generically in endowments , asset returns and money supply on economy has a finite number of locally unique monetary equilibria when money is used purely as a medium of exchange .

  6. 在转轨时期,特定地区的初始制度禀赋构成该地制度演进的逻辑起点,它规定了制度演进的可能方向;

    During transition , certain initial institution endowment is the logical starting line for a specific area , which determines the possible institution evolution direction .

  7. 通过对影响风险承受能力因素分析,结合粮食规模生产者初始资源禀赋和相关风险理论,笔者认为我国粮食规模生产者是风险规避者,对价格风险进行有效管理十分必要。

    By analyzing the factor influence the risk endure capability , and combining the provision scale producer original endowment theory and other related theory , the author think that provision scale producer is risk evader , so it 's quite important to conduct effective price risk .

  8. 通过一个动态一般均衡模型,本文证明,初始人口资源禀赋的差异是造成中国和西欧在18世纪之后的文明分岔的原因。

    It shows that the drastic difference between the population-resource endowments of China and Western Europe is the key factor that drives the civilization diversification between those two regions .