
  • 网络Rigid Management
  1. 20世纪刚性管理与柔性管理发展的对比

    Comparison Between Rigid Management And Flexible Management Evolution During The 20th Century

  2. 从经济运营角度看荣宁二府家政刚性管理

    Examining the Rigid Management of Home Economics of Rong and Ning Mansions from the Perspective of Economic Operation

  3. 柔性管理是刚性管理的重要补充。

    Gentle Management is an important supplement of Firm Management .

  4. 本研究认为:传统教育管理观念还深深影响着现行学籍管理管理制度改革,刚性管理及学生合法权益保障问题仍是现行学籍管理制度的主要问题。

    Finally , the author thinks that there have some problems in the student registration system .

  5. 近百年来,刚性管理与柔性管理此消彼长而又渗透、融合,最终成为一个有机的整体。

    During the past century , Rigid Management and Flexible Management had been focused on one after another .

  6. 刚性管理是以规章制度为中心,用制度约束管理员工。

    The rigid management takes the regulation as its core and it uses the regulations to manage staff .

  7. 把柔性管理与刚性管理结合起来并导入图书馆管理中,将对图书馆的发展产生深刻的影响。

    It will exert a profound influence over the library development to leading the flexibility administration integrate with the rigid administration in library .

  8. 柔性管理与刚性管理的有机结合,必将使人类的管理活动发生一次历史性的跃升。

    If flexible management is well combined with rigid management , it will surely make the human management activity reach a higher level .

  9. 从概念上来讲,图书馆管理分为刚性管理与柔性管理两种。

    In aspect of the conception , the management of the library can be divided into two kinds , flexible management and rigid management .

  10. 以陕西某高校为例,通过实证分析高校教师刚性管理产生的弊端。

    Take an university in Shaanxi province as an example to verify the disadvantages of rigid management mainly through the data statistics and analysis .

  11. 通过研究,本文指出刚性管理是中学理想教育实效不高的重要原因;

    Through research , the thesis point out that hard management is the main reason for the invalidity of ideal education of middle schools .

  12. 柔性管理是相对于传统的刚性管理而言的,其显著特征表现为:内在的驱动性、影响的持久性和激励的有效性。

    The flexible management is opposite to the traditional rigid management . Its dominant character is : intrinsic actuation , influence durability and drive validity .

  13. 高校图书馆编目工作中刚性管理一度泛化,引入柔性管理可增加人本性、感应性和渗透性。

    Rigid management has once existed widely in cataloging work in university , the introduction of flexible management may increase the people centeredness , sensibility and penetrability .

  14. 本文对柔性管理与刚性管理进行了比较,分析了柔性管理的特征,并简要论述它在图书馆人力资源管理中的运用。

    This article compares flexible management with rigid management , analyses the characteristics of flexible management and concisely describes its application to manpower resources management in the library .

  15. 但是,高校教师管理仍就保持旧的刚性管理模式,不利于高校发展以及社会人才培养。

    However , if the management of university professors are still maintain management model in old days , it will not advisable for university development and social personnel training .

  16. 阐述了柔性管理产生的背景、理论依据、内涵界定、本质与特征、内容及作用,对柔性管理与刚性管理进行了比较。

    Flexible Management explained the background , theoretical basis , content definition , nature and characteristics , content and effect on the management of flexible and rigid management were compared .

  17. 随着高校体制改革的深入,普通高校所采用的传统的人力资源的刚性管理已经无法适应时代发展的要求。

    With deepening of college and university system reform , traditional rigidity human resource management adopted by general college and university is no longer suitable for need of time development .

  18. 具体包括柔性管理产生的背景,柔性管理的内涵,与刚性管理的差异,及其特征与作用。

    It includes the background of flexible management , the concept of flexible management , the differences between flexible and inflexible management , and the characteristics and functions of flexible management .

  19. 以刚性管理为基本内容的泰罗制,促成了由传统的经验管理向科学管理的转化,开创了科学管理的新纪元。

    Abstract Taylor system with hard management as its basic contents has promoted the transition from experience management to scientific management , the founding of a new epoch of scientific management .

  20. 强化以预算编制、预算执行、预算监督三分离的《预算法》刚性管理和监督以及财政效果评价体系;

    Strengthening the rigid control and supervision of " Budget Law ", including " budgeting , budget execution , budget monitoring " three separating , as well as financial results evaluation system ;

  21. 指出传统的刚性管理和英雄式领导人不再适合学习型组织的管理,柔性管理、领导角色转变以及团队式管理是学习型组织管理的基本特征。

    Traditional rigid management and heroic leader will no longer fit the learning organization . Flexible management , leader role transformation , team management are the basic features of the learning organization management . 7 .

  22. 以工具理性为主导的刚性管理,为人类文明创造了无数奇迹,但在今天,随着人类步入信息时代和知识经济时代,单纯的刚性管理走到了历史的尽头。

    The hard management dominated by instrumental reason has created innumerable memories miracles for the human civilization , but with the coming of the IT era and Knowledge Economy it seems to come to the end .

  23. 新时期高校学生工作的新特点给我们提出新的问题和更高的要求,在刚性管理的基础上实施柔性管理,可以弥补刚性管理的不足。

    The new questions and higher requirement were brought forward by the new characteristics of college students , management in new time . Flexible management can be put in practice basing on the inflexible management and make up for it .

  24. 人类管理经历了由简单到复杂、经验到科学、重物到重人,即由刚性管理到刚柔相济管理的演进过程。

    Human management has experienced a process of from simple to complex , from experience to science and from attaching importance to material to people , that is to say , from hard management to the management of coupling hardness with softness .

  25. 国有企业实施人本管理必须处理好吸收与借鉴的关系、柔性管理与刚性管理的关系、竞争机制与主人翁地位的关系、企业文化建设与企业精神的关系。

    In the implication of humanistic management , it is essential to balance the relationships between absorption and learning , soft management and hard management , competition mechanism and the role of staff as masters , the construction of corporate culture and corporate spirit .

  26. 本文还就柔性管理在对学生个体的管理应用中通过案例分析,强调尊重、爱护、沟通、信任等柔性因素的充分应用会取得刚性管理所不能达到的效果。

    Through case analysis of the appliance of soft management for individual student , the paper points out the amazing effect of emphasizing the soft factors such as respect , love , communication , trust , etc. , which hard management can not attain .

  27. 我国高校由于传统管理体制的制约,在管理的实践过程中,体现更多的是以制度为主的刚性管理,强制学生服从的管理理念占主导。

    Due to constraints of the traditional management system on the colleges and universities in China , in the process of practice , it shows a kind of rigid management as dominance mainly based on system and disciplines , compelled students to obey the management .

  28. 它是在反省现状&刚性管理弊端的基础上,结合现阶段高校共青团工作所处的时代背景提出的,旨在弥补现存共青团工作运行机制中的不足,引导一种更完美的管理境界。

    Bases on overcoming the drawbacks brought by the rigid management , the softened management is proposed with full consideration of the background . Aimed at compensating for the shortcomings in the current working mechanism , it is expected to establish a more favorable managerial environment .

  29. 在高等教育迅速发展的今天,传统的刚性管理模式严重制约着高校人力资源的创新性和主动性,高校人力资源的特点决定了其具有实施柔性管理的必要性。

    With the rapid development of higher education nowadays , the creativity and initiative of human resource in the colleges and universities are restricted by the traditional rigid managing pattern and the character of human resource in colleges and universities determines the necessity of implementing flexible management .

  30. 问题是,很多人将EA的w/jumbo框架视同于刚性的管理,而非针对交付能力的价值和实践。

    Problem is , many equate EA w / jumbo frameworks rigid governance , rather than set of values practices for capability delivery .