
  • 网络rigid constraint
  1. 目前在中国特定的政治经济环境下,地区间的各自为政对区域经济的发展和基础设施建设有着明显的刚性约束。

    In China , due to the specific political , economic background , the division of administration may have rigid constraint on the regional development , infrastructure and environment construction .

  2. 公司治理结构是否发挥效用,有多方面的原因,但是最重要的一个刚性约束条件是产品市场竞争机制的公平和充分竞争。

    Whether corporate governance structure to be effective , there are all sorts of reasons , but one of the most important rigid constraint is the fair mechanism of the product market and fully competitive .

  3. 刚性约束转子系统单点碰摩周期n运动的存在性

    Existence of a single rub-impact period-n motion for the rotor systems with rigid constraints

  4. 对刚性约束的非线性动力系统进行研究,得到了该动力系统周期运动稳定性分析的Floquet特征乘子计算的半解析法。

    A semi-analytic calculation method of Floquet multipliers is presented for the stability analysis of periodic motions in nonlinear dynamic systems with rigid constraints .

  5. 同时,也给出了刚性约束的线性动力系统和弹性约束(分段光滑)的非线性动力系统的Floquet特征乘子计算的解析法和数值方法。

    At the same time , an analytic calculation method and a numerical one of Floquet multipliers are given both for linear dynamic systems with rigid constraints or non linear dynamic systems with flexible ( piecewise-smooth ) constraints .

  6. 考虑了一类具有对称刚性约束的三自由度碰撞振动系统。

    A three-degree-of-freedom vibro-impact system with symmetric constraining stops is considered .

  7. 三自由度双侧刚性约束振动系统的概周期运动

    Quasi-periodic motions of a three-degree-of-freedom vibrating system with two rigid constrains

  8. 环境、资源是现代经济发展的刚性约束。

    The environment and the resources are the constraints of modern economic development .

  9. 对具有刚性约束的n维非线性动力系统进行研究,建立了该类系统在刚性约束附近的局部映射关系。

    A local map is presented for n-dimensional nonlinear dynamical systems with rigid constraints .

  10. 与法律这种刚性约束不同的是,文化约束是柔性的。

    Unlike law , which prescribes hard rules , culture works as a soft constraint .

  11. 如果说利益和观念整合是地方政府规模优化的非正式制度保障,那么通过正式制度的刚性约束则是地方政府规模优化的根本所在。

    Rigid constraints of formal institution are fundamental to optimization of scale of local government .

  12. 粮食生产供给方面,资源要素的供给与生态环境呈刚性约束。

    In China , food production and supply is restrained by resources and ecological environment .

  13. 具有单侧刚性约束的两自由度振动系统在强共振条件下的拟周期运动与混沌

    Quasi-periodic impacts and chaos of a two-degree-of-freedom system contacting a single stop in a strong resonance case

  14. 浅析资本充足率刚性约束下中信银行的改革之路

    Analysis on the Reform of China Citic Bank under the Rigid Restraint of the Capital Sufficiency Ratio

  15. 西部工业化、现代化的加速面临着越来越强的资源环境瓶颈的刚性约束,区域生态系统与经济系统之间呈持续恶性耦合的态势。

    The acceleration of industrialization and modernization in west China is facing rigid constraint of resources and environment .

  16. 现代社会的发展使公共领域不断拓展,公共领域的拓展意味着良好的社会秩序越来越倚重于制度的刚性约束。

    With the public sphere continuously expanding , the social order is reliance on the rigid constraints of institutions .

  17. 资源刚性约束、生态渐次失衡、环境日益恶化已打破区域、国家的界限,演变成全球性问题。

    Rigid constraints of resources , ecological imbalance gradually and environmental deterioration have been breaking regional and national boundaries , evolving into global issues .

  18. 最后,以一类刚性约束的非线性动力系统为例,揭示了局部映射在其动力学分析中的重要作用。

    Finally , an important role of local map is shown in the dynamical analysis of a given nonlinear dynamical system with rigid constraints .

  19. 将弹性约束与刚性约束时的计算结果进行了对比,结果表明,当海底地层较硬时,弹性约束与固定端约束的计算值相差不大;

    The comparisions of calculation results between the two constraints show that when the sea soil layer is harder , the difference is not much .

  20. 结果表明:人工冻结法施工中冻结区的温差较大边界和刚性约束边界对冻结法施工影响明显。

    The boundary with greater temperature difference in frozen soil and the rigid boundary of the frozen wall have important impact on the artificially frozen wall .

  21. 本文提出并探讨了我国官德建设要结合刚性约束机制与柔性约束机制同时并举的方针。

    The thesis has proposed and discussed in conjunction with official construction of rigid and flexible restraint mechanism both at the same time the principle of restraint mechanism .

  22. 通过采用增加弯管模具的夹紧块和镶块对毛坯的刚性约束来消除管内壁起褶的缺陷,采用固定数值法来解决管弯曲卸载后的弹性回跳的缺陷。

    Using clamp block to add the rigid confines could eliminate the wrinkling defects , and using the fixed numerical method could solve elastic spring defects of tube bending .

  23. 以气候安全的允许排放量为全球碳预算总量,设为刚性约束,可以确保碳预算方案的可持续性;

    However , a sustainable carbon budget scheme is undoubtedly achievable if the global carbon budget ( the total amount of permitted by climate security ) is made an absolute constraint .

  24. 全球碳排放的刚性约束已经成为国际政治共识,这一政治共识正在改变着发达国家和发展中国家的能源政策和发展模式。

    The rigid constraints of global carbon emissions has become an international political consensus , this political consensus is changing the energy policy and development models between developed and developing countries .

  25. 计算结果表明,对于一定的土层厚度,在一定阻尼比条件下,土层和基岩的阻抗比小到一定程度时,可以将基岩假定为刚性约束,而误差可以控制在一定的范围内。

    The results show that for a certain depth and damping coefficient , if the wave impedance ratio is small , the seismic response of layered soil with stiff constraint assumption is reasonable .

  26. 与此同时,资源、环境的刚性约束与高能耗、高污染、低产出的传统经济增长模式之间的矛盾日益凸显。

    But at the same time , contradiction between rigid constraints in resources and environment and traditional economic development patterns of high energy consumption , high pollution and low output is becoming increasingly conspicuous .

  27. 行政区划的刚性约束使各地方政府在执行公共政策的过程中,以追求其自身利益最大化为出发点,加上相关制度供给不足,从而阻碍了区域进一步发展。

    In the process of the implementing the regional public policy , because of the rigid restriction of the administrative division , the local governments always starts out from the maximum interest of their own .

  28. 改革开放以来,我国高校教育管理制度建设取得显著的成绩,但仍然面临管理制度刚性约束、教育行政化现实和学生权益保护不够等问题。

    Since the adoption of reform and opening up , our country has gained remarkable success in the construction of college education management system . While , we still confront many issues such as management system of rigid constraints .

  29. 未来我国农业将面临两个挑战人口和食物消费需求持续增长、农业资源刚性约束更加突出。这将从需求和供给两个方面考验中国粮食安全。

    The agriculture in our country will meet with two challenges in future : the sustainable increase of population and food consumption , and the more striking rigid restraint of agricultural sources , which will challenge the Chinese food security in demand and supply .

  30. 由于行政区划、政府职能和地方政府行为对区域经济的刚性约束,在行政区交界地带形成了行政区边缘经济现象,使得行政区交界地带成为统筹区域协调发展的重点区域。

    Because of rigid restriction of administrative region , governmental duty and local governmental behavior on regional economy , there is " administrative border economic phenomenon " between administrative borders , which makes administrative border region become the important region of regional coordinated development .