
  1. 国家电网公司(StateGrid)董事长刘振亚向记者表示,新疆能够以德国目前电力成本的一半向该国输送风力和热力所生产的电力。

    Liu Zhenya , chairman of State Grid , told reporters that wind and thermal power produced in Xinjiang could reach Germany at half the current cost of electricity there .

  2. 刘振亚称,其他潜在市场包括巴基斯坦、印度和缅甸。

    Other potential markets include Pakistan , India and Myanmar , Mr Liu said .

  3. 全国政协常委、国家电网公司董事长刘振亚

    Liu Zhenya , CPPCC National Committee member and chairman of State Grid Corporation of China

  4. 这使得刘振亚在反对大型煤炭开采及建设大坝的环保人士眼中成为了一个有争议的人物。

    That has made him a controversial figure among environmentalists opposed to large-scale coal mining and mega-dams .

  5. 刘振亚全力支持超高压输电,这种技术使中国可以建设与东部和南部沿海地区的电力需求中心相距遥远的大型能源项目。

    Mr Liu has forged his career on his support for UHV transmission , which has enabled China to build huge energy projects far from its power-demand centres on the eastern and southern coasts .