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  1. 刘琳奶奶的生活也很艰苦。

    Liu 's grandmother has also had a hard life .

  2. 四月份,刘琳的父亲去世了。

    in April , Liu 's father passed away .

  3. 刘琳的家庭在2016年遭遇了很多变故。

    Liu 's family suffered a lot in 2016 .

  4. 此外,刘琳还拒绝了别人的经济帮助。

    Liu declines financial help from others .

  5. 我的名字是刘琳,希望今后有机会再次为您服务。

    My name is Liu Lin and we look forward to another chance to serve you .

  6. 成都大学大二学生刘琳在今年8月份做出了一个重大决定。

    Liu Lin , a sophomore at Chengdu University , made a big decision this August .

  7. 在刘琳老师张娜的眼里,刘琳是一个模范生。

    In the eyes of Liu 's teacher Zhang Na , the girl is an exemplary student .

  8. 刘琳的母亲也在这些事情的打击下失去了照顾别人的能力。

    Liu 's mother , plagued by these events , lost the ability to take care of others .

  9. 刘琳的弟弟在成都工作,2000元工资中的大部分都用来支持这个家庭。

    Liu 's younger brother works in the same city and spends most of his 2000 RMB salary supporting the family .

  10. 这位老妇人的三个儿子都死了,刘琳不能把她独自留在无人照料的地方。

    The old woman 's three sons have all died , and Liu couldn 't leave her alone where nobody could look after her .

  11. 这对夫妇考虑到,他们19岁的儿子正面临着一次改变人生命运的考试,刘琳说,所以他们决定停止争吵,给孩子一个平和、安静的环境。

    The couple took into consideration the fact that their 19-year-old son was facing these life-changing exams , Liu said . So they decided to give the young man some peace and quiet and to stop quarrelling .

  12. 上周二,来自北京双利律师事务所的刘琳(音译)律师表示,一些家长会等到高考结束后才申请离婚,这已是众多周知的事情了,但他也表示高考与国内离婚率之间是否有关,这一说法还未得到证实。

    Liu Lin , a Beijing-based lawyer from Shuang Li Law Firm , said on Tuesday that some parents have been known to postpone filing for a divorce until after the exams are finished , but said there is no confirmed connection between the tests and the country 's divorce rate .