
  1. 他不肯去找刘四爷。

    He didn 't want to seek out fourth master liu .

  2. 刘四爷的眼里不揉沙子。

    No one could throw sand in fourth master liu 's eyes .

  3. 听到这个报告,刘四爷更火啦。

    When he heard this , fourth master liu 's blood boiled .

  4. 刘四爷的大圆眼还盯着祥子。

    Fourth Master Liu 's large round eyes were fixed on him .

  5. 刘四爷倒不在乎,只要有点声响就好。

    But fourth Master Liu didn 't mind-he just wanted some noise .

  6. 刘四爷的大圆眼在祥子身上绕了绕,什么也没说。

    Fourth Master Liu ran his eyes over him , but was silent .

  7. 刘四爷笑了。祥子把头低得更往下了些。

    Fourth Master Liu smiled , and Xiangzi bent his head even lower .

  8. 刘四爷更没想到事情会弄到了这步天地。

    Fourth Master Liu was even more flabbergasted .

  9. 祥子明白了,车上的是刘四爷!

    Xiangzi realized it was fourth master liu !

  10. 刘四爷并非是好惹的人!

    Fourth Master Liu was no easy customer !

  11. 刘四爷的手颤着走下来。

    Fourth Master Liu climbed down , trembling .

  12. 刘四爷笑了笑,眼珠往心里转了两转。

    Fourth master chuckled and winked to himself .

  13. 刘四爷是虎相。

    Fourth Master Liu was like a tiger .

  14. 他所不放心的倒是刘四爷拿着他的那点钱。

    What did worry him was his small savings in fourth master liu 's keeping .

  15. 在祥子眼里,刘四爷可以算作黄天霸。

    In xiangzi 's eyes , fourth Master Liu could be compared to Huang the tyrant .

  16. 把碗放下,刚要出来,刘四爷把他叫住了。

    He put down the bowl and was going out when the old man called him back .

  17. 刘四爷用眉毛梢儿问了句,“哪儿来的?”

    Fourth master liu 's raised eyebrows asked more plainly than words ," where 's this money from ?"

  18. 初上来,大家以为他是向刘四爷献殷勤,狗事巴结人;

    At first , everybody thought he was sucking up to Fourth Master Liu to get into his good books ;

  19. 大家敢怒而不敢言的在那里立着,心中并没有给刘四爷念着吉祥话儿。

    They stood there , not daring to express the anger in their hearts , certainly not wishing Fourth Master Liu good luck .

  20. 刘四爷正在屋里喝茶呢,面前放着个大白炉子,火苗有半尺多高。

    Fourth Master Liu was drinking tea in his room . Before him was a large white stove from which flames six inches high were leaping .

  21. 今早上你尽在找碴儿。刘四爷没答碴儿,想了想:话匣子呢?

    You 're full of bull this morning . Fourth Master Liu did not answer-he was thinking . " Where 's the gramophone ?" he asked presently .

  22. 大家都愿意来,可是没胆子和刘四爷来,谁不知道他从前开过宝局!

    They would all have liked to play but none had the courage to take on Fourth Master Liu , knowing that he had once run a gambling-den .

  23. 他的积蓄就交给刘四爷给存着。把钱凑够了数,他要过来,买上了那辆新车。

    He had given his savings into fourth master liu 's keeping and , when he had made enough , had withdrawn them to buy his own rickshaw .

  24. 这种猜想里虽然怀着点妒羡,可是万一要真是这么回事呢,将来刘四爷一死,人和厂就一定归了祥子。

    There was some envy in this speculation , but if by any chance it came true then harmony yard would be xiangzi 's after the old man 's death .

  25. 刘四爷很满意有这么多人来给他磕头祝寿。更足以自傲的是许多老朋友也赶着来贺喜。

    Fourth Master Liu was gratified by the number of people who came to kowtow and congratulate him , and his elation increased with the arrival of many old friends to wish him a happy birthday .

  26. 祥子为这个刚跑回来,刘四爷又教他去给借麻将牌,借三四副,到日子非痛痛快快的赌一下不可。

    No sooner was Xiangzi back from this errand than Fourth Master Liu ordered him to go and borrow three or four sets of mahjong , for on the great day they were going to have a good gamble .