
  • 网络statistics
  1. 定义数轴和端点,如果您识得创建一列数字的类Python片段符号,这是相当显而易见的。

    Defining axes and points is fairly obvious once you recognize the Python-like slice notation to create a list of numbers .

  2. 请考虑用于将一列数字划分成几块的两个规则。

    Think of two rules for dividing a list of numbers into blocks .

  3. 我快速地向下看了看这列数字。

    I looked quickly down the column of figures .

  4. 他们合计了几列数字。

    They added up several columns of figures .

  5. 组合的和一列数字的排列和运用有关的纵向排列的一组人或事物。

    Relating to the arrangement and manipulation of mathematical elements in sets . a formation of people or things one after another .

  6. 这只是一个例子,如何使用代码来写更多的代码,而不是最有效的方式打印出来一列数字。

    This is only an illustration of how to use code to write more code , not the most efficient way to print out a list of numbers .

  7. 在早晨做的第一件事,找一张纸,写下一列数字代表你从醒来到睡着的每个小时。

    First thing one morning , take a piece of paper and write a column of numbers representing each hour from the time you wake up until you go to sleep .

  8. 对我来说,这列数字会是6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1然后再回到12(到目前为止你总共花了15秒)。

    For me , the list would start 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 1 and go all the way back to 12 . ( So far , you have invested about fifteen seconds . )

  9. 但是GNSS要应用在列车定位,仍然需要一些辅助技术提高完整性、精度,包括列控数字轨道地图、完整性监控、轨道占用自动识别以及与多传感器融合技术等等。

    However , if it is used for train positioning , it still needs some assistive technologies to improve the integrity and accuracy of GNSS .

  10. 政府统计处定期发出新闻稿,其中列载数字按年变动幅度。

    The regular press releases issued by the census and Statistics Department typically feature the year-on-year changes as the headline message .

  11. 一旦你想出了从哪里省,那么可以能在“预计”一列填入数字。

    Once you 've figured out where to economize , you can enter amounts in the Expected column of the budget .

  12. 在该部分中,如果每行第一列以数字标志()开头,那么该行属于注释行。

    Each line in this section that begins with the number sign ( # ) in the first column is a comment .

  13. 论文提出了一种列控数字轨道地图的创建方法,定义了该数字轨道地图的内容。

    A method for creating digital track map which can be used for the train control system was presented and the content of the digital track map were also defined .

  14. 研究了堤防的设计洪水风险,提出堤防洪水风险率分布列及其数字特征,比较完整地描述了堤防设计洪水风险的基本特征。

    This paper studied the design flood risk of different dykes , presented the flood risk distribution and its numerical behaviors , and completely described the basic characteristics of the design flood risk .

  15. 首先他问了负债数值。[qh]他认为A列的数字可能是现在的负债,但事实上,那些数字代表长期负债。[qh]女:好的。我记下了。

    Firstly , he asked about the liabilities figures . [ qh ] He thought the figures in column A might be for current liabilities , but in fact those figures indicate the long-term ones . [ qh ] Woman : OK , I 've got that .

  16. NAME列中的数字是会话ID,因为会话的内存池是按会话ID跟踪的。

    Just a number in the NAME column is the session id since memory pools for a session are tracked by session id.

  17. 从随函附上的发票副本,你将发现1880美元的价格在你所列最大的数字之内。

    From the enclosed copy of invoice you will see that the price of $ 1880 is well within the maximum figure you stated .

  18. 第三列是用户的数字ID。

    The third column contains the user 's numeric id.

  19. 如果已经运行了RUNSTATS,则这些列包含实际的数字,并且如果运行过RUNSTATS,则statstime列将包含时间戳记。

    These columns contain real numbers if RUNSTATS has been run , and the stats_time column will contain the timestamp when RUNSTATS ran .

  20. TotalTrans是测试机在10分钟运行内所完成的事务数量(在Trans/Sec列中显示的数字是一个比率)。

    Total Trans is the number of transactions completed by the test machine within the10-minute run ( that figure is shown as a rate in the Trans / Sec column ) .

  21. 秦沈客运专线无线系统包括无线列调系统及数字集群移动通信系统。

    A radio communication system consists of a radio train dispatching system and a digital trunked mobile communication system .

  22. 在猜测列中填入上述数字,根据条目的可并行性或偶发性进行调整,得到最终的测试值填入表格的最下方;并且

    Add the numbers in the guess column and adjust for items that can occur in parallel or a little contingency and enter the number at the bottom of the table in the square provided ; and

  23. 例如,假设有一个三列的表,每列均用数字填充。

    As an example , say you have a table with three columns , each of which must be filled in with numbers .

  24. 目的介绍一种采集牙列缺损石膏模型三维数据的方法,为重建牙列缺损三维数字模型及研究可摘局部义齿支架的计算机辅助设计奠定基础。

    Objective A method for 3D-data acquisition of partially edentulous cast was introduced to lay the foundation for reconstructing 3D digital model of a partially edentulous cast and studying computer aided design ( CAD ) to a removable partial denture framework .