
  • 网络liege;Liège;Luik
  1. 在被问及安塞乐米塔尔除永久性关闭两座位于比利时列日的工厂外是否还在考虑进一步关闭在欧工厂时,该公司一位发言人仅表示目前尚未公布进一步的计划。

    In answer to questions about whether ArcelorMittal was considering any further closures in Europe to add to the permanent shutdowns of two plant furnaces in Li è ge , Belgium , a company spokesperson would only say that no further plans have been announced .

  2. 比利时杯被夺冠热门列日队夺得。

    The Belgian Cup has been won by the favourites F.C. Liege .

  3. 他也有个昵称叫“迪甘”,是“巨人”的意思。他身高1.95米,是个职业足球运动员。他是AC米兰球员,但是现在在比利时标准列日队踢球。

    He also has a nickname " Digao " which names " Giant ", he is1.95 meters high , he is a professional footballer , he belongs to AC Milan , but is playing in Belgium for Standard Liege FC .

  4. 自7月24日公布2020年夏季奥运会和残奥会会徽以来,设计者佐野研二郎(KenjiroSano)一直面临指控,称其抄袭了比利时列日市一剧场的设计。

    Since the twin emblems for the Olympics and Paralympics were revealed on July 24 , their creator , Kenjiro Sano , has been besieged with allegations that he copied the design from a theatre in the Belgian city of Liege .

  5. 列日学派的辞格理论

    Rhetoric Theory of Group μ On the School of Thought . No-Hair Day

  6. 我也会继续和标准列日联系。

    I will remain in contact with Standard .

  7. 列日学派的普通修辞学理论

    Common Rhetoric Theory School in Liege University

  8. 据天空体育新闻了解利物浦几乎接近与标准列日前锋约瓦诺维奇签下预约合同。

    Sky Sports News understands Liverpool are close to agreeing a pre-contract deal with Standard Liege striker Milan Jovanovic .

  9. 奥利维拉有望在将来的几天离开尤文图斯,他的职业生涯下一站可能是标准列日。

    The Uruguay midfielder is expected to leave the Bianconeri in the coming days , with Standard Liege being in the driver 's seat .

  10. 约万诺维奇此前在比利时标准列日俱乐部效力四年、在那里他获得2008年比利时足球先生以及2009年的金靴奖。

    Jovanovic spent the previous four years at Standard Liege , where he won Belgian Footballer of the Year in2008 and the Golden Shoe in2009 .

  11. 红军在2007年那场著名的欧冠半决赛中点球淘汰切尔西;上赛季的欧冠资格赛中,德克·库伊特在第117分钟绝杀标准列日。

    The Reds famously defeated Chelsea on penalties in the2007 Champions League Semi Final while Dirk Kuyt's117th minute winner settled the Qualifying tie with Standard Liege last season .

  12. 霍奇森对前锋米兰·约万诺维奇离开的可能性不愿做过多的预测,塞尔维亚人是利物浦在夏季从标准列日队免费引进的球员。

    Hodgson also played down speculation he was looking to offload forward Milan Jovanovic , who only joined the club on a free transfer from Standard Liege in the summer .

  13. 这一研究成果发表在《柳叶刀》医学杂志网络版上,其研究对象包括了剑桥大学阿登布鲁克医院和比利时列日大学校医院的病患。

    The study – which was published in an online edition of The Lancet medical journal – involved patients at Addenbrooke 's Hospital in Cambridge and University Hospital of Liege , Belgium .

  14. 本文从《普通修辞学》理论基础、辞格理论以及诗学修辞理论三方面对列日学派的成就作了简要评介。

    The thesis is to briefly review the achievement of Liege School from three aspects : theoretical base of Common Rhetoric , theory of figures of speech and rhetorical theory of poem .

  15. 利物浦教练贝尼特斯已经停下求购桑德兰的琼斯脚步,转而投向签下约万诺维奇,后者这个夏天与标准列日合同到期。

    Liverpool boss Rafa Benitez has stepped up his efforts to capture Jovanovic , who is out of contract with Liege in the summer , after failing in a pursuit of Sunderland 's Kenwyne Jones .

  16. 这位29岁的球员在标准列日是踢的是前锋,但他表示在利物浦自己将会服从俱乐部的安排。

    The29 year-old made his name as a striker during his time with previous club Standard Liege , but admits he is content to play any position if it is for the good of the team .

  17. 比利时列日大学的吉利斯·万德威尔和同事们希望研究在本来就有日照的白天,人类大脑对光线是否有类似反应。

    But Gilles Vandewalle of the University of Liege , Belgium , and colleagues wanted to see if light exposure has similar effects on brain function during the day , when we are naturally exposed to light .

  18. 在被问及安塞乐米塔尔除永久性关闭两座位于比利时列日的工厂外是否还在考虑进一步关闭在欧工厂时,该公司一位发言人仅表示“目前尚未公布进一步的计划”。

    In answer to questions about whether ArcelorMittal was considering any further closures in Europe to add to the permanent shutdowns of two plant furnaces in Liege , Belgium , a company spokesperson would only say that " no further plans have been announced . "