
fēn xī yuán
  • analyst;assayer
  1. 懂得会计知识是从事分析员工作的一个必要条件。

    An understanding of accounting techniques is a major requisite for the work of the analysts .

  2. 明特尔公司的分析员杰克·达科特指出,“韧度、软度和厚度仍然是厕纸质量的三大主要指标,只有一少部分消费者会倾向于更加奢侈的品种,比如带有印花图案或是有香水味道的。“

    " Strength , softness and thickness remain the leading indicators of toilet paper quality , with just a small proportion of consumers preferring more luxurious alternatives , such as those with flower patterns of perfume , said Mintel analyst Jack Duckett . ' '

  3. 幸运的是,我这个月找到了工作数据分析员这份工作,我一直在全力以赴地做好这份工作。

    Luckily , I discovered the job — Data Analyst — this month and have been going full steam ahead .

  4. 许多年纪比较大的军官往往相信特务的发现,而不怎么相信密码分析员的推断。

    Many of the older officers trusted agents sightings more than cryptanalysts'deductions .

  5. 对于分析员和设计人员,建模过程(themodelingprocess)变得更简单而且可以创建一个有序而可控的设计。

    For analysts and designers , the modeling process becomes simpler and produces a clear , manageable design .

  6. 对于CustomActions事件,业务分析员在设计业务解决方案时命名。

    For the Custom Actions event , the business analyzer creates the names when designing the business solution .

  7. 业务分析员可以设计自定义小部件,根据输入的ContentEngine文档ID列表弹出ContentList小部件。

    A business analyzer can design a customized widget to populate the Content List widget by passing in a list of Content Engine document IDs .

  8. 分析员需要自由地画出方块和箭头,它总是产生一个图结构和任意循环(arbitrarycycles)。

    Analysts need the freedom to draw boxes and arrows , which always leads to graph structures and arbitrary cycles .

  9. 内拉德是新旧车辆信息供应公司凯利蓝皮书(KelleyBlueBook)的市场分析员,他一直在密切关注着汽车工业。

    Jack Nerad is a marketing analyst for Kelley Blue Book , which keeps close watch on the auto industry .

  10. 移动咨询公司CCSInsight的分析员本伍德说,他相信苹果会处理好这个局面。

    Analyst Ben Wood , from CCS Insight said he was confident that Apple would resolve the situation .

  11. 需求分析产生信息分析员可以直接解释的模型的图表(schematic)表示。

    The requirements analysis produces a schematic representation of a model that information analysts can interpret directly .

  12. BPM带来的巨大优势是分析员和开发者拥有一门公共语言。

    The great advantage that BPM brings here is that analyst and developers are given a common language .

  13. 因此,我们拥有合并的UML与OCL,来帮助分析员提高域模型的质量。

    Therefore , we have combined UML and OCL to help analysts improve the quality of domain models .

  14. 进一步说,强大的社区往往有大量的质量保证“分析员”通过项目的bug数据库报告bug。

    Furthermore , a strong community often has a large group of quality-assurance analysts reporting bugs through the project 's bug database .

  15. BPMN适合分析员做分析图,但不能执行。

    BPMN serves the analysts in drawing analysis diagrams , but it 's not executable .

  16. 然而,在投资银行对MBA学员的招聘仍非常稳定时,它们正在雇用越来越多的分析员。

    However , while MBA recruitment into investment banking has remained fairly static , the investment bank is taking on more and more analysts .

  17. 而业务分析员可能感兴趣的是将已有的提要组合起来,创建一个更具分析性的提要mashup。

    While a business analyst might just be interested in combining existing feeds to create a more analytic feed mashup .

  18. 在RationalRequisitePro方案中,业务分析员可以到处一个矩阵,该矩阵包含了CSV文件中需求更多的细节信息。

    In the Rational RequisitePro solution , business analysts can export a matrix that includes more detailed information about requirements into CSV files .

  19. 正如我们以上所见,BPMN适合分析员,但它是不可执行的。

    As we saw above , BPMN is good for analysts , but it isn 't executable .

  20. 我认为,当您编写代码时,您已经不再仅仅是一位处理测试自动化的QA分析员。

    In my opinion , when you write code , you are no longer only a QA analysts who does test automation .

  21. 与一个BPM引擎只支持一种过程语言相比,这种方式有效地分离了分析员和开发者间的关注点。

    This improves the separation of concerns between analysts and developers over a situation where a BPM engine only supports one process language .

  22. 通过提供一种公共语言,SQL简化了DBA、系统程序员、应用程序员、系统分析员和最终用户之间的通信。

    By providing a common language , SQL eases communication among DBAs , systems programmers , application programmers , systems analysts , and end users .

  23. DaniellePletka是保守派美国企业研究所分析员,她对这个说法表示认同。

    Danielle Pletka , an analyst with the Conservative American Enterprise Institute agrees .

  24. 为了有效利用注射成型CAE分析结果、降低对分析员的知识水平要求、提高对结果评价的准确性,对注射成型CAE分析结果的评价方法进行了系统的研究。

    The evaluation methods of CAE-analysis results are investigated systematically in order to eliminate the effects caused by different individuals and to improve the accuracy of evaluation .

  25. 分析员通过特定的规则引擎管理系统(通过规则管理GUI)来定义规则并发布到对应的规则引擎。

    The specific rules are codified by an analyst using the specific rule engine administration system ( using a rule administration GUI ) and deployed to the corresponding rule engine .

  26. XYZ公司的业务分析员将设计业务空间和页面套件供终端用户使用。

    XYZ company 's business analyst will design a suite of business spaces and pages , and share them with end-users .

  27. 使用BPELforBPM的最突出的矛盾在于:分析员被假定为不懂技术,而BPEL过程中的活动最终对应到Web服务调用。

    The most prominent contradiction for using BPEL for BPM is that analysts supposed to be non-technical and that the activities in a BPEL process boil down to web service invocations .

  28. 但是可以肯定的一点是,UML必将在今后的软件系统分析和设计中占据主导地位,为大多数的系统分析员、高级程序员所接受。

    But what is assuredly is that UML will dominate the software system analysis and design field in the future absolutely , and be adopted by most of the system analyst and software engineer .

  29. 然而,IHS科技公司的分析员塔尼亚·莱夫勒认为盒式磁带录像机不会迎来同样的怀旧风潮。

    However , Tania Loeffler , an analyst at IHS Technology , does not think the same nostalgia will ever be felt for VCR-playable formats .

  30. 曼尼•洛佩兹,IDC分析员就企业市场而言,如果能够对商品正确定位,那么,它们当然就会有市场。

    MANNY LOPEZ , ANALYST IDC For the corporate market , if they place it right , then , yes , there probably actually can be a market .