
  • 网络fractional charge
  1. 用Millikan油滴实验探测分数电荷

    Application of Millikan 's Oil-Drop Test to Detecting Fractional Charge

  2. 分数电荷与Millikan油滴实验

    Fractional charge and millikan 's oil-drop test

  3. 近年来,磁漂浮的方法测量分数电荷的实验的兴起使得Millikan油滴实验又重新站到了实验物理的前列;

    Millikan oil drop experiments come to the front of experimental physics again by the developing of the magnetic suspend method in measuring fractional charge recently .

  4. 而且,基于PESH可以预言在特殊环境下存在带分数电荷粒子。

    PESH predicts the existence of fractional charged particles under special circumstances .

  5. 运用计算机模拟Millikan油滴实验,结果表明,用Millikan油滴仪寻找自由分数电荷是完全可能的。

    The result , obtained by a computer and on the analogy of Millikan 's Oil - Drop Test , shows that there is every possibility of detecting free fractional charge by using the oil drop apparatus .

  6. 带有分数电荷、磁单极子和异常光子的SO(10)×SO(8)模型

    So ( 10 )× so ( 8 ) model with fractional charges , monopoles and peculiar photons

  7. 在导电聚合物的研究过程中,人们提出了一些新的观念,如二聚化、孤子、分数电荷等。

    In studying the conducting polymers , people put forward new concepts such as solitons and fractional charges .

  8. 从孤子、极化子、分数电荷理论到有机材料的光电应用,物理学与化学是紧密结合并且是互相促进的。

    Form the theories of solitons , polarons and fractional charge to opto electronics applications , of organic materials we find that there exists a strong interaction between physics and chemistry , which is mutually beneficial .

  9. 一方面在导电聚合物的研究过程中,人们提出了一些新的观念,如聚合物中的孤子理论、有机超导体、有机材料中的分数电荷等。

    On the one hand , many new concepts have been proposed during the study of conducting polymer , for example , soliton in conducting polymer , organic superconductor , fractional charge in polymer and so on .