
fēn shuǐ lǐng
  • watershed;divide;boundary;water parting;crest;demarcation line;dividing crest
分水岭 [fēn shuǐ lǐng]
  • (1) [watershed]∶将两个水域分开的山岭

  • (2) [divide]∶两个盆地或流域之间高地分水脊或剖面。亦称分水界

  • (3) [water parting]∶分开两条水道或两个海岸的排水区域的脊线或分界线

  • (4) [boundary;demarcation line]∶常用来比喻不同事物之间或同一事物不同阶段之间的分界

分水岭[fēn shuǐ lǐng]
  1. 它成了两条河流的分水岭。

    It forms the watershed between the two rivers .

  2. 品都斯山脉构成了流向爱琴海和爱奥尼亚海的河流的分水岭。

    The Pindus mountains form the watershed between rivers flowing to the Aegean Sea and to the Ionian sea .

  3. 本文首先采用分水岭算法对SPOT遥感图像进行分割,在每个分割区域内再进行阈值分割。

    First , the paper uses the watershed algorithm to segment SPOT remote sensing image .

  4. 分水岭区脑梗死16例临床与CT、MRI分析

    The Analysis of Clinical Feature and CT or MRI Image About Cerebral Brain Watershed Infarction

  5. MRI诊断双侧基底节区对称性分水岭脑梗死

    Magnetic resonance imaging in diagnosis of symmetrical cerebral watershed infarcts of bilateral basal ganglia

  6. 形态学分水岭和Fisher线性判别的图像分割算法研究

    Image Segmentation Based on Morphology Watershed and Fisher Linear Discriminant Analysis

  7. 借助阈值分割和K均值聚类分割引出标记分水岭算法的分割技术。

    The paper put forward the segmentation technology of mark watershed algorithm by using threshold segmentation and k-means clustering image segmentation .

  8. 基于分水岭变换和FCM的图像分割

    Image Segmentation Based on Watershed Transform and FCM

  9. 阐述了泡沫边缘探索法算法流程,并给出了分水岭的定义和Flooding方法的伪C算法。

    The algorithm procedure of finding froth edge was expounded , and the definition of watershed and pseudo C algorithm of Flooding method was given .

  10. 基于AHP对生态脆弱性的灰色综合评价方法&以湖南省临湘市为例江淮分水岭生态脆弱性特征及对策研究

    Studies on Gray Assessment Method and AHP for Ecological Frangibility & A Case Study in Linxiang City , Hunan Province

  11. 而且标记分水岭分割在LED芯片图像的应用中较好的抑制了过分割现象。(3)基于边缘检测的图像分割技术。

    Moreover , the marked watershed method is better in suppressing the phenomenon of over-segmentation in the LED die image . ( 3 ) Edge-Based Image Segmentation .

  12. 分水岭算法和基于MRF的层次聚类相结合的混合无监督图像分割算法

    Combined unsupervised image segmentation using watershed and hierarchical clustering with MRF

  13. 头颅MRI改变主要表现为额叶白质损害及主要分布在分水岭、基底节区的单发或多发的腔隙性梗死。

    The change of skull MRI was mainly in white matter of frontal lobe , and single or multiple infarction in watershed and basal nuclei .

  14. 海运基金m2mmanagement的高级经理提姆科芬(timcoffin)表示,近期的事件是一道分水岭。

    Tim coffin , a senior manager at M2M management , a shipping fund , said recent events had marked a watershed .

  15. 由于腹腔CT图像不仅仅包含肝脏器官,还有腹腔的其他器官,因此本文采用改进的分水岭算法对腹腔CT进行分割,把肝脏提取出来进行研究。

    Because abdominal CT images includes not only the liver organ , as well as other abdominal organs , this article uses the watershed algorithm to segment the liver from the abdominal CT to study .

  16. 在空域检测中,提出了Mean-Shift约束标记的分水岭分割方法。

    In spatial detection , a watershed segmentation algorithm with Mean-Shift mark constraint was presented .

  17. 根据LED芯片图像的区域特性,应用Otsu双阈值和基于直方图势函数标记的分水岭分割方法对LED图像进行分割。

    According to the regional features of LED die image , Otsu dual-threshold segmentation and watershed segmentation , marked by histogram potential function , are applied to LED image .

  18. 结果表明:(1)对投资银行的声誉与其承销的IPO质量之间的关系来说,1999年是一个分水岭;

    Our empirical results show : ( 1 ) In terms of the relationship between investment bank reputation and IPO quality , 1999 is a watershed year ;

  19. 目的探讨分水岭梗死患者的Willis环侧支循环能力。

    Objective To assess the collateral ability of the circle of Willis in patients with watershed infarcts .

  20. 研究构建基于分水岭初始区域的区域邻接图(RAG),完成SAR图像区域化模型的建立。

    To construct region adjacency graph ( RAG ) based on initial regions of watershed transform . SAR image region model is accomplished by RAG .

  21. 分水岭与GVF组合应用于胃癌细胞核的分割

    Application of the Combination of Watershed and GVF Arithmetic in Division of Gastric Cancer Nucleus

  22. 通过对图像分割方法进行学习比较并根据CTA图像特点,选择分水岭算法进行去骨分割。

    According to the character of CTA images , watershed algorithm was chosen for the CTA bone removal through the depth study of image segmentation method .

  23. 目的探讨分水岭性脑梗死(CWI)患者的病因与机制。

    Objective To investigate the etiology and pathogenesis of cerebral watershed infarcts ( CWI ) .

  24. 该方法对原始图像进行高斯滤波和sobel滤波,结合给定的阀值消除弱边缘,降低分水岭变换的过分割程度。

    The original image was preprocessed with Gaussian filter and Sobel filter , on which thresholding is performed to remove weak edge pixels .

  25. 因此,美联储昨日宣布量化宽松(QE)政策结束,既是一个分水岭,也代表着纵身跳入一个未知世界。

    Thus , the Fed 's announcement yesterday that it would draw quantitative easing to an end represents both a watershed and a leap into the unknown .

  26. 该算法利用分水岭算法对图像先进行粗分割,再使用改进的LaplacianSVM算法对过分割区域进行分类,从而减少了图像分割的时间。

    To speed up the algorithm , the proposed method firstly uses the watershed algorithm to do image segmentation , and then applies the improved Laplacian SVM algorithm to classify over-segmentation regions .

  27. 将数学形态学应用到序列图像分析中,提出了一种基于图像序列的3-D形态分割算法,对图像序列简化后进行边缘增强,用改进的3-D分水岭方法提取分割信息。

    A mathematical morphology method was applied in image sequence analysis . An image sequence segmentation method based on 3 D morphology was presented and the frequently used image sequence processing techniques were improved based on the segmentation information .

  28. 在2月份至6月份之间,联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)分三部分陆续发布了研究结果,该报告成为了一个分水岭。

    The publication of the findings of the UN 's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change , in three parts between February and June , was a watershed .

  29. 基于分水岭算法的MELK图像分割

    Segmentation of MELK images based on watershed algorithm

  30. 结论双侧基底节缺氧性脑病与皮层下型分水岭梗死(CWI)有完全不同的临床表现和影像学改变。

    Conclusion The clinical manifestation and imaging of the hypoxia cerebropathy in bilateral basal ganglia were different from the subcortical watershed infarct .