
chū cái liàng
  • output;mill run
出材量[chū cái liàng]
  1. 不同规格材的出材量高低与林分密度相关密切。

    The correlation between the output of different dimension stock and stand density was significant .

  2. 林分径阶蓄积量与材种出材量测算的研究

    Study on Estimation of Stand Diameter Class Volume and Merchant Volume

  3. 杉木原条出材量(率)表的编制研究

    Establishment of Economic Volume Table ( Rate ) of Chinese Fir Pole-timber

  4. 刺槐林分材种出材量模型

    Models of Outturn of the Felling of Wood Assortments for Robinia pseudoacacia Stand

  5. 日本落叶松林分材种出材量预测模型和出材量表的研究

    Study on Prediction Model of Stand Outturn and Table of Outturn for Japanese Larch

  6. 整体来看,杉木纯林的出材量和蓄积量均高于混交林。

    Generally speaking , the pure forest in the timber volume and growing stock were higher than mixed .

  7. 最后,对林分材种出材量表的一些技术和方法问题进行了讨论。

    And a number of problems in developing stand merchantable volume tables using the technique and method were discussed .

  8. 该模型不仅能输出林分的总体收获量(蓄积量,出材量),而且能输出各径阶的收获量。

    From the model , it is possible to calculate the whole stand yield ( stand volume , merchantable volume ) as well as the yield of each diameter class of the stand .

  9. 林分的总出材量随着林龄的增加而增加;林龄相同时,随着初植密度的增加而增大;初植密度相同时,随着立地指数级的增大而增大。

    The gross wood yield of stands increased with stand age , and increase with initial planting density increasing at the same stand age , and increased with the site index increasing when the initial density was same .

  10. 主要研究结果如下:1.杉木-闽粤栲混交林与杉木纯林胸径、树高、出材量和蓄积量随坡位的不同均表现为下坡中坡上坡的变化规律。

    The main results were as follows : 1 . The mixed and fir plantations ' DBH , tree height , individual volume , the timber volume are both present the same rule in the different slope : down slope middle slope upper slope .

  11. 天然红松成过熟林伐区设计与实际商品出材量存在着误差.一元立木材积表超过20.635、红松误差为15.68%。实际超采伐量的设计资源消耗量大25%-50%。

    There is error between cutting area design and practical wood product in the crude pine overstand wood . Wood cubic table over percent 20 . 63 . pine error is percent 15 . 68 . Practical cutting out & put is percent 25 to Percent 50 than resource design .

  12. 对于研制材种出材率表和材种出材量表的一些技术和方法问题也进行了讨论。

    The problems of technique and method in formulating these tables are also discussed .