- 名schedule of concessions

This paper analyses the impact of entry WTO on Chinese higher education from three aspects and produces some countermeasures .
Moreover , WTO Members would have recourse to WTO dispute settlement to ensure implementation of all commitments in China 's GATS schedule .
After accession to WTO , we need to reduce the tariff level continuously ; meanwhile the tariff reduction table restricts the tariff level .
The US said that it believed additional and extra additional duties imposed by India are in excess of those listed in India 's WTO Tariff Schedule .
The article covers three aspects after entering WTO : the reducing table in education-service trade ; the influence and challenge on our high-level education in economics ; the countermeasures .
Providing distribution services would be done in accordance with China 's Schedule of Specific Commitments under the GATS .
The obligations of every WTO member in respect of service trade are governed by the GATS and at the same time depend on its schedule of specific commitments .
" year " in paragraph ( f ) above and in relation to the specific commitments of a Member refers to the calendar , financial or marketing year specified in the Schedule relating to that Member .
Hence the interpretation of the GATS and the schedules of specific commitments is a matter that determines the degree and pace of opening service market .
GATS agreement builds a basic framework of the legal system for movement of natural persons , and the Schedule of Specific Commitments of all members which pay obligations , is also a core component of the legal system for movement of natural persons .
Schedules of specific commitments form an integral part of GATS , the rules of interpretation that apply with respect to GATS schedules are the same as the general rules to the conventions , including ordinary meaning , context , subsequent practice and supplementary means .
Thirdly , it formulates the Frequency Test Model of services barriers based on Probit Model . The frequency test of barriers to trade in services in China is performed to evaluate if China maintained the rights as a developing country when setting its Schedule of Specific Commitments on Services .
Such commitments shall be inscribed in a Member 's Schedule .
The Council for Trade in Services shall establish procedures for rectification or modification of Schedules .
Article XX Schedules of Specific Commitments
Schedule of Specific Commitments 68
Schedules of specific commitments shall be annexed to this Agreement and shall form an integral part thereof .
Commitments relating to limitations on the extension of the scope of export subsidization are as specified in Schedules .
Each Member shall set out in a schedule the specific commitments it undertakes under Part III of this Agreement .
Paragraph 1 shall not apply to any specific commitment on basic telecommunications which is inscribed in a Member 's Schedule .
" Other duties or charges " shall therefore be recorded in the Schedules at the levels applying on this date .
Any member which has modified or withdrawn scheduled commitments under this article shall modify its schedule according to such procedures .
Legal system for the movement of natural persons consists of subject specifications , related Annex and the Schedule of Specific Commitments .
He noted that China 's Total AMS Commitment Level was set forth in Part IV , Section I of China 's Schedule .
Market access concessions contained in Schedules relate to bindings and reductions of tariffs , and to other market access commitments as specified therein .
The staging of concessions and commitments listed in the Schedules shall be implemented as specified in the relevant parts of the relevant Schedules .
87 . Members of the Working Party welcomed China 's decision to bind tariffs for all products in its schedule on market access for goods .
Any schedule submitted in accordance with the Ministerial Decision on measures in favour of least-developed countries shall be deemed to be annexed to this protocol .
( iii ) to ensure that service suppliers of any other Member do not supply services unless permitted pursuant to commitments in the Member 's Schedule .
The representative of China confirmed that such an agreement would be approved if consistent with the relevant equity commitments in China 's Schedule of Specific Commitments .