
  1. 下次演出我决定逮捕他们。

    At the next performance , I want them all arrested .

  2. 本次改革加强了检察机关逮捕权的自我监督,保证了审查决定逮捕的质量,是一项优化司法职权配置,保证检察机关独立公正行使检察权的重要举措。

    This new reform in optimizing the allocation of judicial and ensuring the fair and independent procuratorial authority for procuratorate was an important measure which strengthened the self-supervision of arrest and ensured the quality of arrest .

  3. 苏丹总统似乎对尚待决定的逮捕令要求并不担心。

    The Sudanese president appears unconcerned about the impending request for an arrest warrant .

  4. 一位执法的警员根据某个特殊的情况决定执行逮捕还是口头警告。

    A policeman can usually decide , depending on the particular circumstances of a situation , whether to make an arrest or give a verbal warning .

  5. 对利用职权犯罪的刑事案件直接受理和侦查,并决定是否逮捕、起诉或者不起诉;

    Directly accepting and investigating criminal cases involving crimes committed by taking office advantage and deciding whether to make an arrest or to initiate a prosecution ;

  6. 也许需要几个月法官们才能决定是否批准逮捕令。

    It could be a few months before the judges decide whether to grant that warrant .

  7. 苏格兰场发言人表示,他们在联合行动中对这三起攻击都展开了调查,最终决定进行这次逮捕。

    All three attacks are being investigated as part of the operation that led to the arrest , a Scotland Yard spokesman said .

  8. 法官们已经决定另外签署的逮捕令将发给巴希尔本人并在任何一个国家都适用,法院注册主任SilvanaArbia称。

    And the judges have ruled that additional arrest warrants may be issued for Al-Bashir and served on any state as required , said court registrar Silvana Arbia .

  9. 一个由三名法官组成的审判小组预计将用几个星期或者几个月的时间来决定是否要发出逮捕令。

    A three-judge panel is expected to take weeks or months to decide whether a warrant of arrest can be issued .

  10. 如果法官决定向巴希尔发出逮捕令,巴希尔总统将会成为第一个被国际刑事法院指控的在任国家首脑。

    Sudan does not recognize the ICC and has steadfastly refused to hand over two other suspects charged by the court , Humanitarian Affairs Minister Ahmad Harun and Janjaweed militia leader Ali Kushayb .

  11. 本章首先是对逮捕决定权的概念进行了界定,明确了其范围可以包括批准逮捕和决定逮捕两种权力。

    Firstly , this chapter will define the concept of the arrest decision power , specify the power range can include approval of arrest and decided to arrest .