
  • ice bucket;ice pail;Ice Scoop
  1. 在一度火爆的“冰桶挑战”和印度版的“米桶挑战”之后,社交媒体上又出现了新一轮挑战:“书桶挑战”或“冰书挑战”。

    After the famous Ice Bucket Challenge and India 's very own Rice Bucket Challenge , here is another challenge making its rounds on social media : The Book Bucket Challenge .

  2. 从上个月开始,Facebook的新闻推送放目望去几乎全是各类为美国肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症(ALS——国内又称“渐冻人”)协会募捐的“冰桶挑战”(Icebucketchallenge)视频。

    Ice bucket challenge videos raising money for the ALS Association charity have saturated Facebook news feeds in the last month .

  3. 片刻之后,他们身边出现了一只装着香槟的冰桶。

    A moment or two later champagne in an ice-bucket materialized beside them .

  4. 明星们都在Twitter、Facebook和Instagram上呼吁参加新冰桶挑战——“起床照挑战”。

    Celebrities1 have been taking to Twitter , Facebook and Instagram in their droves to take part in the new Wake Up Call campaign , which is being dubbed2 the new Ice Bucket challenge .

  5. 这个叫做“冰桶挑战”的活动要求参与人将一桶冰水浇在自己身上,然后将整个过程发布在社交网站上,并提名其他人来接受挑战,这个活动最初是高尔夫球员为支持宠物慈善发起的。

    The so-called ice-bucket challenge -- dump ice water on yourself , post and tag yourself on social media and challenge others to do the same -- got its start among golfers as a way to support pet charities .

  6. 但是,稍等——ALS不就是冰桶挑战的起因吗?京晶:正是。

    But wait - isn 't ALS the cause of the Ice Bucket Challenge ?

  7. 到目前为止,参与冰桶挑战的人包括美国新泽西州州长克里斯•克里斯蒂、Facebook首席执行官马克•扎克伯格以及艺人贾斯汀•汀布莱克。

    The campaign has caught people ranging from New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie to Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg and performer Justin Timberlake .

  8. 在和ALS联系在一起之前,冰桶挑战活动就已经在互联网上流传了数周。

    The Ice Bucket Challenge had been making the rounds on the Internet for several weeks before it was tied to ALS .

  9. 纽约大学(NewYorkUniversity)公共机构与非盈利机构管理教授萨德•卡拉布里亚表示,虽然非盈利这个词包含有其他意思,但ALS协会在冰桶挑战善款支出上无需承担任何法律义务。

    Though the term implies otherwise , as a non-profit , ALSA is under no legal obligation to spend its ice bucket windfall , says Thad Calabrese , a professor of public and non-profit management at New York University .

  10. 这种情况也适用于该协会计划新开的ALS诊所。协会在冰桶挑战疯狂传播之前曾计划在今年新开11家ALS诊所。

    The same holds true for the 11 new ALS clinics the organization had planned to open this year prior to the ice bucket campaign going viral .

  11. 除了将捐款用于一些有价值的前途无量的研究以外,纽约大学教授卡拉布里亚,和印第安纳大学(IndianaUniversity)礼来家族慈善学院(LillyFamilySchoolofPhilanthropy)学术事务与研究副院长帕特里克•鲁尼均提出,ALS协会可以用“冰桶挑战”

    Aside from spending the money on promising , worthwhile research , both Calabrese from NYU and Patrick Rooney , associate dean for academic affairs and research at the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy ,

  12. 美国渐冻症协会表示,2014年风行的冰桶挑战募集了大量资金,已经帮助科学研究发现了与渐冻症相关的重要基因。渐冻症是渐进性神经退行性疾病,学名为肌萎缩侧索硬化症(ALS)。

    The Ice Bucket Challenge that went viral in 2014 has funded an important scientific gene discovery in the progressive neurodegenerative disease ALS , the ALS Association says .

  13. “冰桶挑战”促使捐款金额猛增,却让ALS协会很难复制其在当前财年取得的乐观的监管数据。

    While the ice bucket challenge has prompted an onslaught of donations , it 's chilled any prospect of ALSA duplicating those rosy watchdog figures in its current fiscal year .

  14. 一种名为“冰桶挑战”(icebucketchallenge)的活动正在科技业高管中风靡,这一在Facebook上疯传的活动主要是为了让人们更多地关注肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症(ALS)。

    The ' ice bucket challenge , ' a campaign to raise awareness for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ( ALS ) that is likely sweeping through your Facebook feed , is making its way through the upper ranks of tech executives .

  15. 在短短几周内,冰桶挑战成为为肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症(ASL)患者和相关公益组织筹集善款的重要活动。

    In just a few weeks , it has become a major fundraising coup for patients and organizations with ALS , a neurodegenerative disorder .

  16. 两名渔民在澳大利亚鲨鱼出没的海域遭遇沉船之后,利用一个巨大的冰桶(icebox)漂浮存活了近一个月。

    Two fishermen have survived for almost a month in shark-infested waters off Australia , by floating in a large icebox after their boat sank .

  17. 今年,多亏了全世界病毒式传播开来的ALS冰桶挑战,对肌肉萎缩性侧索硬化症(ALS,又称的葛雷克氏症)上升的关注度达到最高纪录。

    This year , awareness for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis , better known as ALS or Lou Gehrigs Disease , reached an all-time high around the world due to the viral ALS Ice Bucket Challenge .

  18. 如何使用“冰桶挑战”的捐款还有另外一个挑战,因为这项活动并非由ALS协会发起,结果,活动也没有明确的使命。

    There 's an added challenge to spending the ice bucket money that stems from the fact that the ALS Association did not start the campaign , and as a result , never stated a specific mission behind it .

  19. 斯劳特表示,除了带来捐款以外,冰桶挑战也提高了人们对ALS的认识,几年前ALS协会进行的一项调查中,美国知道这种疾病的人还不到半数。

    Slaughter says that in addition to generating donations , the ice bucket campaign has raised awareness of ALS , a disease that less than half of the country could identify when the association conducted a survey a few years ago .

  20. 在八月初的时候,ALS协会尚未意识到“冰桶挑战”能带来多少捐款。当时,它拨给美国、英国、法国、加拿大、瑞士、以色列和澳大利亚的科学家们21笔资金,总计350万美元。

    In early August , before fully realizing just how much money the ice bucket campaign would generate , ALSA awarded 21 new grants worth $ 3.5 million to scientists in the United States , the United Kingdom , France , Canada , Switzerland , Israel and Australia .

  21. 这意味着,按照慈善导航目前的要求,为了达到最近一年实现的72%的项目开支标准,ALS协会需要在截至明年一月的财年结束之前,从4180万美元的“冰桶挑战”善款中拿出3000万美元用于研究和教育。

    That means - as Charity Navigator 's requirements stand now - in order to replicate its most recent 72 % programming expenditure , ALSA would need to spend just over $ 30 million of its $ 41.8 million in ice bucket money on research and education by the end of its fiscal year in January .

  22. ALS协会的斯劳特表示,协会之前没有任何捐赠基金,然而,虽然“我们不排除任何可能”,但将“冰桶挑战”的捐款存起来以备不时之需并不符合组织的使命,主要是因为“这种疾病刻不容缓”。

    ALSA 's Slaughter says the organization has never had an endowment , and while " nothing 's off the table , " saving the ice bucket money for a rainy day doesn 't necessarily fit with the organization 's mission , mainly because " this is a disease that requires urgency , " Slaughter says .

  23. 蓄冰桶内冰晶溶解过程的数学模型研究

    Research on Mathematical Model of Ice Crystal Melting in Ice-storage Container

  24. 内融冰式蓄冰桶实验研究

    Experiment Research of Tank in Internal Melt Ice-on-coil Storage System

  25. 我点红酒时从不要求把它放在冰桶里。

    I have never ordered an ice bucket for my red wine .

  26. 现在肌萎缩侧索硬化症的冰桶挑战活动已经到达了总统级别。

    And the ALS ice bucket challenge has now reached presidential levels .

  27. 内融冰式蓄冰桶数学模型的改进

    Advanced Numerical Model of Tank in Internal Melt Ice-on-coil Storage

  28. 汤姆为了这次的野餐买个小冰桶。

    Tom brought a small cooler for the picnic .

  29. 内融冰蓄冰桶动态特性模型的建立及验证

    Building and validation of a dynamic performance model of ice on pipe thermal storage

  30. 而白酒,香槟则是在冰桶里被打开的。

    White wines , rose , and Champagne bottles are opened in ice buckets .