
  1. 曾获第十六届冰心儿童文学奖、第十二届四川日报文学奖。

    He won the16th Bingxin Prize for Children 's Literature and the12th Sichuan Daily Prize for Literature .

  2. 参与策划、设计、编辑的各类图书达上千种,荣获过国家图书奖、五个一工程奖、冰心儿童图书奖等多种奖项。

    He has created , designed and edited thousands of book and won many awards like National Book Award , National Five Top Project Award , Bingxin Children 's Literature Award and so on .

  3. 曾获全国第二届文学“骏马奖”,全国第一届冰心儿童图书新作奖等。

    He gained the second national literary " Horse Award ", the first national Bingxin children 's book new contribution prize .