
  • AA;People Seafood Restaurant;Jia Ri Yuan Restaurant Inc.
  1. 味道象从“希可利农家菜”或什么地儿买回来的东西。

    It tastes like something you 'd buy from Hickory Farms or something .

  2. 所以我们去了一个附近的餐馆吃了新鲜的农家菜。

    So , we went to a neighboring restaurant and had farm-fresh food .

  3. 妈妈:当然有啦,我们可以划船,还可以吃到农家菜啊。

    Mom : Sure , we can go boating there and eat at the farm house .

  4. 如果说料理是精雕细琢的大家闺秀,那么农家菜就是不事装扮的小家碧玉,纯朴是它最大的特点。

    If cooking is likened to a lady from a good family , then farm-flavored food is a mid-class young girl with simplicity as its biggest characteristics .

  5. 路上,还有各种野生的农家菜,家禽出售,我们想下山的时候,可以采购一些。

    On the road , there are a variety of wild farm vegetables , poultry for sale , we want to down time , you can purchase some .

  6. 在大寨,有很多像老李家这样的小客店,向客人提供南瓜炒笋片或竹筒饭这样的应季农家菜。

    Farmer Li 's guesthouse is one of many lodgings that serve simple home-cooked dishes according to the season , for example : stir-fried pumpkin with fern shoots , or sticky rice cooked inside bamboo .

  7. 但是,未来的赢利业务,将是众多有待建成的洗车连锁店和铬车轮盖商店,以及在中国乡村开始出现的汽车旅馆和农家菜餐厅。

    But the moneymakers of the future will be the many car-wash chains and chrome-wheel cover stores that have yet to be built , and the motor inns and farm-style restaurants that have begun to spring up in the the nation 's countryside .

  8. 若想远离市中心的喧嚣,体验农家风味,可以到鸡邨大饭店品尝蒸鸡和清淡的农家菜。

    For something more home style and removed from the madness of downtown , head to Ji Cun for steamed chicken and simple farmer-style dishes .