
Thirdly , we must accelerate the scientific and technological progress to increase agricultural commodities .
The main factors that affect the growth of farmers ' income in Songzi City are inadequate employment of farmers , low industrialization of agriculture , low agricultural commodity rate , and little effort on agricultural support .
Through migrants ' activities . Northeast became from a grain importing region a grain exporting one , more produces were sold , transportation developed rapidly , and cities sprang up . By the end of the Qing Dynasty , Northeast had been unified economically .
As to the development of the agriculture economy , multi-agriculture reform the condition of the agriculture , improve the productivity of the agriculture , transit the management model , help persist in the sustainable development road , and push the development of the agriculture economy .
Technological agriculture is a new agriculture development and an important direction for the development of modern agriculture . It can make a close contact between science and technology and agriculture production , exchange , consumption , and increase the rate of land utilization and agricultural products .
The proportion of the first property to the second , and third properties in agricultural economy has adjusted from 73 . 2 vs. 26 . 8 to 55 . 2 vs. 44 . 8 , commercial farm products have increased 60 . 5 % from 49 . 7 % .
Cotton is one kind of economic plants which have much higher commercialized rate , and the impact and shock on it will be much greater than other crops .