
  • 网络farmers store
  1. 农家店作为工程实施的载体,在这一过程中更是有着举足轻重的作用。

    Village shop as a " project " Implementation of the carrier is in the process plays an important role .

  2. 然而,由于农家店建设初期在选址中存在一定的随意性、盲目性,对农家店的经营造成了一些不利影响。

    However , the early construction of the village shop there is a certain arbitrariness in the location , blindness , the operation of the farm shop has caused some adverse effects .

  3. 连锁经营将产生规模效应、品牌效应等优势,统一的物流配送可以降低运输成本,增强连锁经营农家店的竞争力。

    The chain operation has more advantages , such as scale effect , brand effect etc , the unified distribution will reduce transportation cost and strengthen the competitiveness of the chain " farm shop " .

  4. 由于政府的支持和农村经济的发展,农家店在县域迅速发展,然而分散经营、县域物流水平却限制了农家店的发展速度。

    Owing to the support of the government and the development of rural economy , " farm shop " has developed rapidly in the counties . However , it is restricted by the decentralized management and its logistics level .

  5. 伴随着农家店规模的扩大和农民消费需求的增加,为了更好地发展必须采用连锁经营和统一的物流配送。

    With the expansion of the " farm shop " and the increasing consumption demand of the farmers , in order to accelerate the development of " farm shop ", according to the chain operation theory , it is necessary to carry out chain operation and unified distribution .