
  • 网络Assortment;range of goods;Range of Commodity
  1. 80年代美国泥浆处理剂市场商品品种初探

    An exploration into changing assortment of mud additives at 1980s US market

  2. 华联商厦不仅商品品种齐全,而且购物环境一流。

    The Hualian Commercial Building has not only a good assortment of goods , But also a first-rate shopping environment .

  3. 加入WTO后,我国的进口管理更加自由化,国家管理的进口商品品种和进口量与总体进口的份量比较所占比重也很小。

    After joining WTO , import management of our country liberalized further , and the variety and quantity of the goods under the national import management are much less in proportion compared to the general import volume .

  4. 我们这商品品种很多。

    We have quite a wide variety of goods here .

  5. 哪一家店商品品种最多?

    Which shop has the best range of goods ?

  6. 在美国,正像世界各地一样,有很多小店铺,这些小店铺供应的商品品种就更有限了。

    There are many small shops in America , as there are everywhere , that offer a more limited quantity of products .

  7. 其中大卖场主要分布于华南和华东地区,以齐全的商品品种,最大限度地满足消费者“一站式”的购物需求;

    Among the stores , hype-market format is mainly located in South China and East China , which meet the customer 's " One-Stop " shopping need with abundant merchandise ;

  8. 但是生鲜超市目前在我国还是处在萌芽期,被运营成本高、生鲜商品品种不丰富、价格高等一系列问题困扰着。

    But fresh food supermarket is at the first step now , which is meeting some problems such as high running cost , less varieties of goods , high price and so on .

  9. 黄金期货不同于其他商品期货品种,其兼具金融,商品和金属属性。

    Gold futures have properties different from other commodity futures variety , such as Financial , commodities and metal attributes .

  10. 公司将不懈致力于客户之需求,力求在商品品质品种及售后服务方面创立特色。

    The company will make unremitting commitment to customer demand , product quality , variety and sought to create after-sales service features .

  11. 原油期货交易是目前全球交易量最大的商品期货品种。

    At present , the trading amount of crude oil futures is the largest type of the commodity futures in the world .

  12. 购买决策也是其战略性决策之一,购买商品的品种、规格、价格、数量、时间等直接关系到其赢利水平。

    Purchase decision plays a role in the strategy , because factors like category , specs , price , amount and date directly affect the profitability .

  13. 其次,本文选取的实证对象也不同于的以往的研究,本文选取我国大部分的上市交易的商品期货品种都作为实证研究的对象。

    Secondly , the selected object is also different from previous empirical studies , the paper selected most commodity futures species as the empirical object of study .

  14. 远近闻名的小商品市场,品种多,价格廉,批发零售皆可。

    The Bazaar is known far and near for handling a great variety of small commodities at low prices . It conducts Both wholesale and retail Business .

  15. 同时现代花卉业对观赏植物花期的调控提出了很高的要求,这是由于观赏植物花期之早晚直接影响到上市的时间、商品价值、品种培养等方面的内容。

    And meanwhile modern flower industry bring forward high demand for the flowering time of ornamental which directly contact with the market time , business value and variety cultivate and so on .

  16. 在此基础上提出了A机场候机楼商业经营的商品和服务品种策略、商品陈设及布局策略、消费者行为导向策略及价格策略,在最后提出其商业经营策略实施的各项保障措施。

    Based on this , the A proposed commercial airport terminal variety of goods and services business strategy , product display and display strategies and pricing strategies , and concludes with the implementation of safeguards .

  17. 研究表明,轻珠混凝土是一种有发展前景的轻质、节能、节省资源、使用方便、价格适宜的商品混凝土新品种。

    The study proves that the light bead concrete is a new product of commercial concrete that is light in weight , energy saving , resource saving , easy to use , proper price and has a bright developing future .

  18. 中国加入WTO以来,对外贸易商品的数量和品种都大幅度增加,给我国的贸易收入带来巨大的增长的同时,也带来了我国出口商品遭遇大面积反倾销的危机。

    Varieties and numbers of foreign trade merchandise has kept increasing since China 's entry into WTO , which for one brings back income and for another induces Chinese export merchandise suffering from frequent Anti-Dumping .

  19. 长期高温对商品肉鸡和地方品种鸡肉质及风味的影响

    Effects of High Ambient Temperature on Meat Quality and Flavor in Commercial and Local Broilers

  20. 接下来,在第4章中介绍了目前我国商品期货市场的品种和作用、主要商品期货的波动性和主要商品期货之间的相关性。

    In the fourth chapter , the article introduces the futures varieties and their functions in our economic and the main commodity futures ' volatility and the correlation among the main commodity futures .

  21. 生产、销售伪劣商品犯罪,涉及品种多、范围广、犯罪主体复杂、社会危害大,已严重破坏了正常的经济秩序,损害了广大消费者的经济利益。

    The crime of manufacturing or selling fake commodities covers a wide range of varieties concerning its type , scope and complicated criminal subject , which results in serious social jeopardy . It has disrupted the regular economic order severely and done great harm to the economic interests of consumers .