- 名military occupation

US military occupation : An un-negotiated occupation could expect some initial Chinese military opposition .
Qing finished the military occupation of Henan , reconstructed the political order of establishment of the system of local administration and military .
Agreement on Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment for Areas of Western Germany under Military Occupatio
The traditional characteristic means the competition for oil supply among countries , including the control and military occupancy of oil production regions .
Being an incident of war , military occupation confers upon the invading force the means of exercising control for the period of occupation .
Foreign relations and defence remained under the authority of the Danes until the World War II military occupation of Denmark by Germany in1940 .
What is happening is an extension of Israeli military occupation in Palestine , he added . The Palestine people will continue its resistance against Israeli invasion .
The ultimate strategic aim of the Palestinian people , their organizations and parties during the struggles against Israeli military occupation is to establish an independent Palestinian state .
Since the military occupation on Japan , America 's Japanese policy has involved some elements of psychological measures aiming at assuring continued orientation of Japan toward the West .
Thomas Ricks , the author of " Fiasco ", argues that " the US-led invasion was launched recklessly , with a flawed plan for war and a worse approach to occupation . "
Nevertheless , because the United States still practices military occupation and dominates reconstruction in I-raq , there are no radical changes in the nature of Iraq issues and the situation in Iraq is still grim .
In this sense , the value of this work is beyond the literary work itself . It is an authentic literary record of Japanese Society in 1970s , which is deeply influenced by U.S military occupation and culture .
Accordingly , France set out to overcome Britain by extending its military domination from Moscow to Lisbon , from Jutland to Calabria.All of this entailed tremendous risk , because France did not have the military resources to control this much territory and still protect itself and maintain order at home .
The space launch technology represents the ability of a country to enter into space independently . It is the mainstay to keep the advantage of the space kernel and the basic method to occupy the space with peaceful military struggle .
The crisis between Ukraine and Russia deepened Friday , with Ukraine accusing Russia of a military invasion and occupation in the strategic Crimea Peninsula .
The Taliban took over several major provincial capitals after a weeks-long military offensive in Afghanistan .