- Arms;munitions;arms and ammunition;ammo;ordnance material;armsand ammunition

[munitions;armsand ammunition] 军队用的一切武器和弹药的总称
In June 1945 , Britain still had forty-five per cent of its workforce in the Services and munitions industries .
The war was lost because of a shortage of munitions .
He doesn 't invest in the arms industry on principle .
The organization had acted as a conduit for money from the arms industry .
The firm openly traded in arms .
He still claims the arms weren 't traded for hostages
He 's boasted of being involved in the arms theft
There was ammunition lying all over the place .
A huge arms cache was discovered by police .
Every single one of the arms companies is controlled by the families of high officials .
He rose [ made a career for himself ] by dealing in munitions .
The company in question is freedom group , a privately-held firearms conglomerate formed by private equity and hedge fund group Cerberus capital management .
The breathing spell provided by the moratorium on arms shipments should give all the combatants a chance to reevaluate their positions .
The three-day Maritime Systems and Technology arms fair being staged in Yokohama is Japan 's first military trade show since the second world war and comes as defence budgets and tensions rise across the region .
In'Undercovers , 'special agent Samantha Bloom runs a Los Angeles catering business , when she 's not chasing down Russian arms dealers in exotic locales .
Padilha 's remake is set in a world where multinational corporation OmniCorp , led by ruthless CEO Raymond Sellars ( Michael Keaton ) , has become the US military 's major contractor .
Traditional SRI reflected the views of specific clients , maybe a church or charity fund expressing its dislike of certain sectors , such as tobacco or arms .
This weekend Lockheed Martin , a major military contractor , acknowledged that it had been the victim of an infiltration , while playing down its impact .
Anti-corruption campaigners still bring up Tony Blair 's decision in 2006 to abandon an investigation into a ? ? 43 billion ( $ 70 billion ) weapons deal with Saudi Arabia .
Linda Hudson , the CEO of BAE for the past four years , and first woman head a major defense company , grew up very comfortable being unique .
Don 't tell people what you do , " Per Sundin 's wife insisted as they went to a dinner party several years ago . Sundin wasn 't a banker , used-car salesman or weapons producer , but the head of a record label in Sweden .
With Palo Alto trading at 10 times revenues , some high-priced acquisitions seem likely as the industry giants add to their arsenal of defences .
Maybe A.T. are the initials of the munitions expert .
In February Britain 's BAE Systems , a giant arms company , was fined $ 400m as a result of a joint British and American investigation .
President Denis sassou-nguesso has a residence near the arms depot , but was not there when the explosions began .
For clients looking for something further afield and more luxurious , the company also offers Vivos Europa One , billed as a " modern day Noah 's Ark " in a former Cold War-era munitions storage facility in Germany .
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries , Japan 's biggest arms producer , is taking aim at more deals to sell its weapons abroad , according to its chief executive , as it revamps efforts to win a $ 36bn submarine contract from Australia .
The San Francisco-based Bay Guardian , recently identified Herrmann as an international arms dealer working with Iran in1980 , and possibly involved in the October Surprise .
Recently defence firm Lockheed Martin has received a $ 1.1 million contract from the US Army to test its next-generation HULC exoskeleton .
Perhaps we should think of Undershaft 's munitions as the symbolic equivalent of power-power to do good or harm , power of aggression and of defense .