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  • smoking;fume
冒烟 [mào yān]
  • (1) [fume]

  • (2) 烟雾的升起和消失

  • 香炉里冒出一缕青烟

  • (3) [在燃烧或化学反应中] 出烟,出汽

  • 氯化氢在潮湿的空气中冒烟

冒烟[mào yān]
  1. 基于GPU加速的虚拟内窥镜手术实时冒烟仿真

    Real-time Smoking Simulation Based on GPU Acceleration for Virtual Endoscopic Surgery

  2. 上周,因为飞机上的一部盖乐世Note7手机开始冒烟,西南航空(SouthwestAirlines)一架航班上的乘客被疏散。

    Last week , a Southwest Airlines flight in the United States was evacuated after a Galaxy Note 7 began smoking inside the plane .

  3. 咱们喝点饮料吧,我嗓子都干得冒烟儿了。

    Let 's get a drink ─ I 'm parched .

  4. 我看见发动机冒烟时,吓得手足无措。

    I panicked when I saw smoke coming out of the engine .

  5. 国会周围的一些大楼今天还在冒烟。

    A number of buildings around the Parliament were still smouldering today

  6. 如果你闻见汽油冒烟或燃烧的异味,应把车送修。

    If you smell gas fumes or burning , take the car to your mechanic

  7. 子弹把尘土打得噗噗直冒烟。

    Bullets whipped up the dust .

  8. 蜡烛正在冒烟。

    The candle is fuming .

  9. 1943年,一位墨西哥农民惊讶地看到他土地上的一处小地方在冒烟。

    In 1943 , a Mexican farmer was surprised to see smoke rising from a small part of his land .

  10. 突然间,她身上开始冒烟,好吧,其实是她身上的iPhone6。

    Suddenly she started to emit flames . Well , her iPhone 6 did .

  11. 电池问题已解决。把这番话说给西南航空(SouthwestAirlines)听吧,上月该航空公司因一部Note7在机舱中冒烟而疏散了飞机上的乘客,当时飞机正停在跑道上。

    Tell that to Southwest Airlines , which lastweek evacuated a jet on the runway when a Note 7 filled the cabin with smoke .

  12. 让机器冒烟、触发警笛、USB火箭发射器,再把国民防卫队叫来。

    Triggers the smoke machine , the siren , the USB rocket launcher , and calls in the national guard .

  13. 基于Tcl的ARP协议冒烟测试系统设计

    Design of Smoke Testing System of ARP Based on Tcl

  14. 测试类型:单元测试、集成测试、功能测试、系统测试、验收测试、渗入(soak)测试、冒烟测试等等。

    Test-types : unit , integration , functional , system , acceptance , soak , smoke , etc.

  15. 但是近些天,盖乐世Note7的用户报告称,有些被认为已修好的手机依然出现过热、冒烟、甚至起火的情况。

    But in recent days , Galaxy Note 7 users emerged with reports that some devices that had supposedly been repaired were overheating , smoking and even bursting into flames .

  16. 去年缅因州的一名八年级学生,突然听到她的iPhone发出爆裂声,然后她的后兜就开始冒烟。

    Last year , an eighth-grader in Maine suddenly heard a pop from her iPhone and her back pocket began to smoke .

  17. 中国天津——张思童正要把朋友的电话号码存到自己的三星GalaxyNote7智能手机上去,突然手机开始震动,后冒烟。

    TIANJIN , China - Zhang Sitong was saving a friend 's phone number on his Samsung Galaxy Note 7 smartphone when it started to vibrate and smoke .

  18. 与盖乐世Note7爆炸起火后不断冒烟的情况不同,这部iPhone7炸裂后未见燃烧痕迹,电池仍旧完好。

    Unlike the Galaxy Note 7 's explosion , which smoked excessively after burning , this iPhone 7 exploded leaving no burn marks , and the battery remained in good condition .

  19. 硝酸:一种无机化合物,无色、冒烟、高度腐蚀性的液体,化学式为HNO3。

    Nitric acid : Inorganic compound , colourless , fuming , highly corrosive liquid , chemical formula HNO3 .

  20. 周三,人们的担忧愈发强烈,原因是一部理应修复了电池的Note7更换手机在美国一架飞机上冒烟——似乎表明三星也许还未找到这一问题的解决方案。

    On Wednesday , concerns rose as a replacement model of the Note 7 phone , supposedly with a battery fix , began to emit smoke on board an aircraft in the US - suggesting Samsung may not yet have found a solution to the problems .

  21. 根据所提供的照片,还看不出手机的哪些部位过热导致冒烟,但可以很清楚地看到电池已经凸出来,膨胀到撑开了iPhone的外壳。

    Inspection of the provided pictures yields no clues as to which components were heated to the point of creating smoke , though it a bulging battery is clearly seen to have expanded enough to force apart the iPhone 's casing .

  22. 里面藏着一个蒸汽朋克风格的幻想世界,调酒师们会用陈年朗姆、柑橘和苦酒调出一杯杯的DesdeCubaConAmor(120比索),它们真的会冒烟。

    Inside is a steampunk fantasyland , with bartenders who mix drinks like the Desde Cuba Con Amor ( 120 pesos ) , a combination of aged rum , citrus and bitters that is literally smoking .

  23. 三星刚刚被迫停止生产其被大肆宣传的GalaxyNote7智能手机,此前这款手机因造成至少一套房屋和一辆车起火、以及造成一系列在飞行中的飞机上冒烟的令人惊慌的事件而受到指责。

    It has just been forced to halt production of its much-hyped Galaxy Note 7 smartphone after the device was blamed for setting fire to at least one house , a car and a number of alarming incidents where Galaxy Note 7s started smoking on planes when in flight .

  24. 某民航班机在飞行途中座舱内发现冒烟及微弱闪光,地面检查发现P6板后部有一电缆有燃烧痕迹。

    A civil aviation flight smoked and sparked in cockpit during cruise . The following inspection on the ground showed that a piece of wire was burnt and broken on P6 panel .

  25. 电子香烟,在市场为名字为NJOY,模仿冒烟的方式及包含尼古丁,但不会发出同样类型的气味或烟灰。

    Electronic cigarettes , marketed under names such as NJOY , mimic the act of smoking and include nicotine , but do not emit the same type of odor or ash .

  26. 每次Serengeti的代码更新时,冒烟测试可以确保各个主要功能正常工作,而每日构建的回归测试能够及时发现缺陷,避免产品集成时可能会出现的问题。

    Smoke testing mainly ensures the major functions of Serengeti can work well when product code updates . By regression testing in daily build , we can find the defects as soon as possible , to avoid problems in product integration .

  27. 我冒烟了,还着火了。我往下坠了。

    I 'm smoking and burning . I 'm going down .

  28. 但突然有一天,烟囱里开始冒烟。

    Then one day we saw smoke rising from the chimneys .

  29. 烟囱冒烟处,未必酒菜香。

    There is not always good cheer where the chimney smokes .

  30. 冒烟的矿城内有许多土褐色的房子。

    There are many drab houses in the smoky mining town .