
  • 网络Smoking
  1. 励磁调节器和油马达并行励磁分析及机车运行中柴油机冒黑烟的处理

    Analysing the circumstance about the field regulator exciting together with the oil motor and dealing with the trouble of diesel engine smoking during locomotive running

  2. 这个工厂的烟囱一直冒黑烟。

    The factory has been emitting black smoke from its chimney .

  3. PGA调速器典型故障与调节(一)&主机加速过程冒黑烟

    A Typical Trouble and Adjustment of PGA Governor (ⅰ) & Main Engine Smoke Exhaust While Accelerating

  4. 不冒黑烟,有利于环保达标。

    No black smoke escapes to help achievement of environmental protection .

  5. 柴油发动机冒黑烟原因及故障排除

    Cause for dark smoking of diesel engine and its troubleshooting

  6. 浅析锅炉烟囱冒黑烟的原因及控制

    Brief Analysis on the Cause and Control of Black Smoke from Boiler Stack

  7. 燃油锅炉冒黑烟原因分析及处理

    Analysis of the Causes Why the Fuel Boiler Discharges the Black Smoke and Its Treatment

  8. 锅炉烟囱冒黑烟现象在一些地方经常发生,影响极坏。

    Black smoke from boiler stacks often takes place in some places with negative impact .

  9. 请您说出柴油机冒黑烟的原因?

    Could you tell the main reason for seeing the black smoke exhausted from the diesel engine ?

  10. 据美联社3月31日报道,位于艾吉沃特饭店内的这座高达20英尺的塑胶假火山是在3月29日这天开始向外冒黑烟且不停喷射火焰的。

    The20-foot-tall plastic volcano at the Edgewater Hotel and Waterpark started belching black smoke and shooting flames Thursday .

  11. 此型号产品不但克服了老机型的使用短期内冒黑烟、噪音大的缺点;

    Not only this model product overcame in the old type use short-term to brave the black smoke , the noise big shortcoming ;

  12. 降低发热量,焚烧时不滴油、冒黑烟,无二次公害产生,且不损伤焚化炉。

    To prevent emission problems by generating less heat , no oil dripping and less smoke when burning . No damage to the incinerator .

  13. 刚开始,你会看到发动机冒黑烟,这很正常,是因为密封环还没有完全密封的缘故。

    You 'll notice that at first the engine " smokes " on decel , this is normal , as the rings haven 't sealed yet .

  14. 锅炉不结焦,烟囱不冒黑烟,对环境无污染,是一种新型高效节约燃料油的乳化剂。

    There is no black smoke in the chimney therefore no contamination in the environment . It is a new type high efficiency fuel oil saving emulsifier .

  15. 成千上万的人聚集在圣彼得广场,等候看烟囱是冒黑烟和还是白烟来显示枢机主教的投票结果。

    Thousands of onlookers are gathered in St. Peter 's Square to await a signal of black or white smoke to indicate whether a pope has been chosen .

  16. 二次风和空气量对链条炉排锅炉压火启动时冒黑烟的影响

    The Effect of the Black Smoke Emission by the Secondary Air and Air Provision in a Chain-grate Stoker-fired Boiler at the Time of the Restarting of the Combustion

  17. 启动油量可能会偏大,如果调整后,启动出现突冒黑烟的情况,可以逆时针调低油量。

    Then , the Starting fuel may be too much , if black smoke suddenly appeared , then turned counter-clockwise back ( do or do according to your needs ) .

  18. 在多山的西雅图,能够像柴油机那样上下行驶,加速时又不冒黑烟这样的混合动力车比普通汽车高出200000美元的价位还是合理的。

    In hilly Seattle , the prospect of a hybrid that could climb like a diesel but accelerate without belching black fumes helped justify a price $ 200,000 higher than that of a regular bus .

  19. 它们能长到13厘米(5英寸)长,住在“冒黑烟的”斜边上的隧道里——东太平洋高地地面已经排完烟雾的火山口。

    They grow to about 13 centimeters ( 5 in ) long and live in tubes attached directly to the sides of " black smokers , " smoke-belching exhaust vents on the floor of the East Pacific Rise .

  20. 针对铜精炼还原过程冒黑烟问题,基于能量平衡原理,建立了铜精炼阳极炉还原过程液化气流量数学模型,从而得出了与之匹配的助燃空气流量。

    In order to settle quite serious soot phenomenon in reduction phase about rotary anode furnace in copper refining , the mathematics model of heat transfer of smoke flux is established based on the principle of balance of energy , consequently educing combustion-supporting air flux suited it .

  21. 排气管里冒出黑烟。

    Black smoke streamed from the exhaust .

  22. 排气管里冒出黑烟。

    The exhaust streamed black smoke .

  23. 破旧的卡车冒着黑烟艰难地沿着我们下方的公路往上爬。

    Tired old trucks were struggling up the road below us , belching black smoke

  24. 从电视上可以看到一辆着火后冒着黑烟的大型拖车,浓烟直冲天上。

    A tractor-trailer caught fire with heavy black smoke billowing into the sky .

  25. 火炉的烟囱冒出黑烟。

    The stove chimney discharged dark smoke .

  26. 以足以使人晕倒的一击使这个可怜的家伙失去了知觉;巨大的冒着黑烟的爆炸。

    Laid the poor fellow senseless with one stunning blow ; a stunning detonation with volumes of black smoke .

  27. 在大马士革,一些爆发冲突的地段冒起黑烟,通向其中一些地段的道路被关闭。

    In Damascus , black smoke billowed above some conflict-hit districts as roads to some of them were closed off .

  28. 昨天我们告诉你的是从这个烟囱冒出黑烟预示着一位新的教皇没有当选。

    Yesterday we told you the black smoke from this chimney indicates a new pope had not been elected yet .

  29. 后来,他收集了一堆,就升起一蓬火一蓬不旺的,冒着黑烟的火并且放了一白铁罐子水在上面煮着。

    When he had gathered a heap he built a fire , - a smouldering , smudgy fire , - and put a tin pot of water on to boil .

  30. 燃烧时出现烟囱冒出黑烟的现象,此时请确认燃烧器的风门是否关闭及烟囱的内部是否充积着烟灰。

    When the phenomenon of black smoke chimney fire occurs , please make sure this moment that whether or not the burner chimney damper is closed and filled with soot in the interior of chimney .