
nèi mào
  • domestic trade
内贸 [nèi mào]
  • [internal trade] 指国内贸易。与外贸相对

  1. 我国内贸与外贸的动态影响研究&基于VAR模型的实证

    An Empirical Study on the Dynamic Relationship between China 's Domestic Trade and Foreign Trade : Based on VAR Model

  2. 1997年我国内贸集装箱运输吞吐量完成了20万TEU。

    1997 in china the through put of civil container transportation was 200,000 TEU .

  3. 内贸集装箱运输危险货物安全管理探析

    Safety Management of Dangerous Cargoes in Container Transportation of Domestic Trade

  4. 在第3章对大连港的内贸集装箱运输发展现状分析;

    Chapter 3 analyses the domestic container transport situation in Dalian .

  5. 企业融资新渠道&中国信保向市场推出内贸险产品

    Credit insurance for domestic trade : a new financing channel

  6. 水路内贸集装箱运输业务流程探讨

    Discussion on the operational flow of waterway container transportation of internal trade

  7. 具备良好的内贸和外贸的商务知识。

    A good commercial knowledge of local & import purchasing .

  8. 外贸的包装比内贸包装需要更加注意。

    It need more care in export trade than in home trde .

  9. 推进我国水路内贸标准集装箱运输的几点思考

    Thoughts on Promoting Waterway Transport of Standard Containers for the Domestic Trade in China

  10. 1995年被内贸部命名为“全国粮食收购先进县”;

    Internal Trade in1995 was named the " National Food to buy advanced County ";

  11. 中国水路内贸集装箱运输发展问题研究

    Research on Domestic Trade Container Shipping of China

  12. 内贸集装箱运输的发展与锦州港的规划建设

    Development of Container Transportation for Domestic Trade and Planning & Construction of Jinzhou Port

  13. 沿海内贸集装箱运输分析

    Analysis on Domestic Coastal Container Liner Shipping

  14. 在第4章对大连港内贸集装箱吞吐量进行了预测,并提出了发展目标;

    Chapter 4 predicts the volume of domestic container handled in Dalian and put forward the target .

  15. 中美集装箱航线运输分析我国主要内贸集装箱航线运量预测

    Analysis on Sino-US Container Transportation

  16. 本公司是汽车回程运输、国内沿海内贸集装箱班轮运输公司。

    Is the return of the motor vehicle transport , domestic trade domestic coastal container liner shipping company .

  17. 摘要产业内贸易常被作为支持“新贸易理论”的一个关键因素。

    The large volume of intra-industry trade is often cited as critical evidence favoring the new trade theory .

  18. 由于区域经济一体化的发展,区域内贸易量不断增长。

    With the development of the regional economic organization , the trade volume among regions keeps on rising .

  19. 本文着重介绍内贸集装箱电子标签自动识别应用系统的体系结构、主要技术内容、特点和示范线整体方案。

    This paper introduces structure and main technology of home trade container RFID application system , and program of demonstrate route .

  20. 我国商业银行贷款会计信息披露现状及改进企业融资新渠道&中国信保向市场推出内贸险产品

    On the Announcement of Credit Accounting Information by Domestic Commercial Banks Credit insurance for domestic trade : a new financing channel

  21. 国内集装箱货运市场生机初现在第2章对我国内贸集装箱的发展及现状进行了论述和分析;

    THINGS TURN BETTER FOR DOMESTIC CONTAINER TRANSPORT MARKET Chapter 2 analyses the development and current situation of domestic container transport in China .

  22. 近年来,我国沿海内贸集装箱运输出现了喜人的发展势头,已成为我国航运业新的经济增长点。

    With the enormous development of our costal container shipping , it has become a new increasing spark of the shipping companies recently .

  23. 内贸方面:作为中国网通的一级代理商,主要为客户提供如下的服务:(1)。

    Business in domestic : Being the first grade agent of CNC , we mainly offer customers services as follow : ( 1 ) .

  24. 由于欧元区区内贸易量很大,一个成员国的经常项目顺差自然意味着另一个国家的逆差。

    Since there is so much intra-eurozone trade , a current account surplus in one member naturally means there will be a deficit in another .

  25. 因此,制定统一的代理法,使外贸代理与内贸代理受统一的代理法的调整是大势所趋。

    Therefore , the uniform agency law should be formulated and foreign trade agency and domestic agency should be regulated by this uniform agency law .

  26. 第三章对沿海干散货运输市场需求进行了定性预测,并在此基础上运用科学的预测方法对内贸干散货货运量进行了预测。

    Thirdly , forecast the quality of this market , and on this basis also forecast the quantity of dry bulk cargo by scientific forecasting method ;

  27. 2014年以来,为帮助内贸商户开展对外贸易,中国在14个地方开始实施“市场采购贸易”方式。

    The " market procurement trade " mechanism has been implemented since 2014 in 14 places in China to help domestic trade merchants develop foreign trade .

  28. 为了提高集装箱运输的管理水平,研究开发了具有世界领先技术水平的集装箱电子标签系统,并率先在内贸集装箱运输中应用示范,取得了阶段性成果。

    In order to improve container transmission management level , world lead container RFID system is devel - oped and succeeded in home trade container transmission .

  29. 最后,结合以上定性分析和定量预测结果,提出了促进我国内贸集装箱运输市场积极发展的有关对策建议。

    Finally , combining with the analysis and the prediction , it has put forward some countermeasures to promote the development of the domestic container transportation market .

  30. 对经批准的旧货市场,工商、文物和内贸行政管理部门要联合实行监管;

    The departments of administration of industry and commerce , cultural relics and domestic trade should exercise joint supervision and control over the approved second-hand goods markets .