
  • 网络Anyang;anyang county
  1. 安阳县2005&2007年医院及诊所消毒效果检测分析

    Inspection of Disinfection Effect in Medical Institutions in Anyang County during 2005-2007

  2. 安阳县的群众所进行的完全是一场人民战争。

    What was being waged in Anyang County was strictly a people 's war .

  3. 县域农业产业化探索&以安阳县为例

    Research on agricultural Industry in county Area

  4. 河南省安阳县农村家庭自备井水质检测结果

    Quality Test Results of Drinking Water from Rural Self-drilled Well in Anyang County of Henan Province

  5. 征地补偿现存问题的分析&以河南省新乡市、安阳县为例

    On the Existing Problems in Compensation for Expropriated Land & Take Xinxiang , Anyang in Henan as Example

  6. 安阳县农村社区人群慢性病综合防治知识与行为健康教育干预效果评价

    Evaluation on the Effect of Health Education Intervention to Comprehensive Knowledge and Behavior of Chronic Diseases in Rural Community of Anyang County

  7. 我们沿着一条崎岖的山间小径继续前进,终于在天黑后不久到达了安阳县政府机关驻地。

    We continued walking over a narrow mountain trail , and at last , sometime after dark reached the headquarters of the Anyang County government .

  8. 安阳县在两个月的时间里,有八十个地主和还乡团团员被用这种方式抓到封锁线这边来。

    During a two-month period in Anyang , eighty landlords and members of the Home Returning Corps were brought across the lines in this way .

  9. 病例组为1997年12月安阳县某3个乡食管癌普查中发现的全部现症食管癌患者。

    The cases were all patients diagnosed by cytology and pathology from an investigation of esophagus cancer in Anyang country in December , 1997.They all suffered from squamous cell cancer .

  10. 辛亥革命以后,安阳县屡经军阀混战,所以很多武器散落到民间一些桀骜不驯分子的手里,从此盗匪蜂起,百姓遭殃。

    After the1911 Revolution , as campaign after campaign was fought through the county , arms spread among dissident elements of the population and powerful bandits rose and crushed the people .

  11. 通过对安阳县方言代词全方位、多角度的探索,展现了方言代词在动态语境中的丰富语义和特殊的语法功能,彰显了安阳县方言代词显著的地方特色。

    The thesis represents the bountiful semantic meanings in a dynamic context and special grammar function by dint of exploring the dialect pronouns in an all-dimensional and multi-angle manner , which indicates the distinctive local features of dialects pronouns in Anyang County .

  12. [方法]2000年3月,在安阳县农村部分社区开展了为期5年的慢性病综合防治实践活动,并评价其对提高居民和卫生人员慢性病综合防治知识与行为的效果。

    [ Methods ] Five-year program of comprehensive treatment and control of chronic diseases was into practice in rural community of Anyang in March 2000.The effect of improving the knowledge and behavior on chronic diseases treatment and control in rural residents and medical workers was evaluated .

  13. 红旗渠构筑位于豫、晋、冀三省交界处'距安阳市林州县北部61千米远。红渠是1960年林县人民在太行山悬崖峭壁上盘山开凿的。

    Located at the juncture of the three provinces of Henan , Shanxi and Hebei and in the north of Linzhou City 61 kilometers away from Anyang City , the Red Flag Canal was dug on preapitous rock faces and sheer cliffs in Taihang Mountains by people of Linxian County in 1960 .

  14. 滑县龙泰铝塑分离机械厂,位于河南省北部,安阳地区,滑县县政府所在地,道口镇。

    Company Separation of aluminum and plastic Huaxian Longtai Machinery Factory , located in the northern part of Henan Province , Anyang , Huaxian county seat & Road Town .