- 名cohesive energy density

Prediction of the VLE for the C_9-DMP System Based on Cohesive Energy Density
The solubility parameters derived from the cohesive energy density ( CED ) of each amorphous cell system at different co-melting temperatures were calculated with the molecule modeling analysis module .
In order to evaluate the suitability of this method for predictions , these VLE systems were predicted by One-parameter Wilson equation , too .
The results showed that the higher the chlorinity , the higher the Tg temperature of CPE , as well as the cohesive energy density and solubility parameter that had relation to intermolecular force ;
The effect of the content of chlorine in CPE on its glassy change temperature , cohesive energy density , solubility parameter and the physical-mechanical properties of CPE / magnetic powder composite was studied by elementary analysis and DSC .
After that the density , diffusion coefficient , cohesive energy density , freezing point and viscosity of JP-10 and quadricyclane were simulated . The results show good agreements with literature data .
Cohesion energy density and glass transition temperature of 1,2-polybutadienes
The dependence of polymer cohesive energy density on temperature
The dependence of amorphous polymer cohesive energy density on temperature is studied .
A new solubility parameter thereby defined equals to the cohesive energy density of the liquid divided by the square root of internal pressure .
The results show that elongation at break is related to the flexibility of molecular chains , while tensile strength is depended on the cohesive energy .
It was found that with increasing in the content of 1,2-unit of the polymer , its glass transition temperature increases but the cohesion energy density decreases , due to the stiffening of the molecular chains of 1,2-polybutadienes .