
nèi bù jiān dū
  • internal supervision
  1. 内部监督的收益是机会主义行为的减少。

    The income of internal supervision is to reduce the opportunism .

  2. 高校内部监督力度和监督效果分析

    Simple Analyses of Internal Supervision Strength and Effect in Colleges and Universities

  3. 独立评估办公室是IMF的内部监督机构,该机构对1999年到2005年间IMF为30个国家提供的汇率政策建议进行了调查研究。

    The internal monitor 's report surveyed the fund 's exchange rate policy advice to 30 countries between 1999 and 2005 .

  4. 以外部监督为主和内部监督为辅的原则;

    The exterior supervision mainly and assisted by the interior one ;

  5. 强化辽宁财政内部监督机制建设的思考

    On strengthening construction of internal supervising mechanisms of finance in Liaoning

  6. 基于系统科学的公司治理内部监督研究

    Research on the inner Supervision of Corporate Governance Based on System Science

  7. 主要从内部监督制度和外部监督制度两方面来分析。

    Analysis from the internal supervision system and the external supervision system .

  8. 企业风险的内部监督&风险选择的激励机制

    Internal Monitoring of Firm Risk & Firm Risk Incentive Problem

  9. 探讨了不同类型公司的内部监督机制的构建。

    Discuss the various internal governance system for different types of corporations .

  10. 法的功能比较&以公司内部监督制度为例

    Functional Comparison of Law & Taking Company Interior Surveillance System as Example

  11. 四是要强化内部监督,五是要完善外部约束机制。

    Fifth , it is necessary to improve the external constraint mechanism .

  12. 我国公司内部监督机制的法律完善

    Legal Perfection of Supervision Mechanism within China 's Enterprises

  13. 一汽集团公司内部监督机制研究

    Research on Interior Supervision Mechanism for FAW Group Corporation

  14. 检察院内部监督制约机制框架设计

    Framework of Interior Supervision and Restriction Mechanism of Procuratorate

  15. 本文着眼于对我国公司内部监督模式问题的考察。

    Focusing on the supervising mode inside company of our country in this article .

  16. 内部监督审核在航空公司的应用

    Application of Inside Supervision and Examination in Airlines

  17. 现代公司内部监督机关研究

    The Supervising Organ Studies Inside the Modern Company

  18. 独立董事与监事会&谈我国上市公司内部监督机制的完善

    Supervisors Board and independent directors How to perfect internal supervisory mechanism of listed companies

  19. 权利救济与内部监督的复合&行政复议制度的功能分析

    With combination of M. D. On the Combination of Rights Remedy and Internal Supervision

  20. 我国上市公司内部监督不力是一个极其突出的问题。

    It is a prominent problem that Chinese listed-enterprises lack effective inner supervision mechanism .

  21. 因此,鉴于公司型基金在内部监督上的有效性,我国有必要引入公司型基金。

    In a word , it is necessary for us to recommend Corporate Fund .

  22. 公司内部监督机制的监督客体是董事会及董事、经理及高级管理人员。

    The supervision object is board of directors , directors , managers and senior managers .

  23. 在这种方式下,一个非常长的时间相关的内部监督办公室的考验。

    In this manner , an extremely long time was associated with the IOS test .

  24. 试论完善公司内部监督体系

    On Improving Internal Supervisory System of Companies

  25. 行政权的内部监督分为一般监督和专门监督。

    The internal supervision of executive power is divided into general supervision and special supervision .

  26. 良好的公司内部监督机制是现代公司制度的组成部分。

    A good internal supervision mechanism of company is a part of morden company system .

  27. 内部监督机制与公司财务信息质量保障

    Internal Supervision Mechanism & Accounting Information Quality

  28. 通过细化破产管理人注意义务的规定来完善内部监督。

    Duty of care by refining the provisions of the insolvency administrator to improve internal oversight .

  29. 第二部分是公司内部监督机制的比较研究。

    The second part is the comparative analyse of internal supervision system of the modom enterprises .

  30. 这些法规和政策的发布和实施,对于强化企业内部监督,整顿和规范社会主义经济秩序,都有十分重要的意义。

    Publishment and implement of these rules and laws are important to companies and socialist economy .