
  • 网络intrinsic form
  1. 文学作品的内形式与外形式

    The Inner Form and Outside Form of Literature

  2. 内形式是文学作品内容诸因素的组织形式和结构方式的内在形式,即作品内容要素的组合关系与逻辑结构形式。

    The inner form is the literature 's content organization form and the literature 's structure form .

  3. 本文探讨了化学科学中存在的和谐、对称、奇异、简单等内形式美。

    The inside beauty in chemical science such as harmonious , symmetric , strange , simple are discussed .

  4. 日本此举旨在2027年运行该趟线路,届时该列车将可以在40分钟内形式186英里。

    Japan is aiming to start operating the train in 2027 with the ability to cover more than 186 miles in 40 minutes .

  5. 化学科学中更重要的还存在着事物的内在形式美,这种内形式即是抽象的内容的结构形态,又是一种科学理性之美。

    The second is inside formal beauty , the inside form is abstract " structure of content ", this kind is also a beauty of reason .

  6. 确定采取电极间距为4mm,网电极孔径为2mm,电极配置为外电极处理试样玻璃介质内电极形式。

    The optimum electrode gap is 4mm . And the most suitable configuration of electrode structure is electrode - sample - glass barrier - electrode .

  7. 道岔区内病害形式多种多样。

    The kinds of diseases of the turnout zone are multifarious .

  8. 我们已经看到,它可以影响物质,并引发物质内的形式。

    And we 've seen that it can affect matter and cause form within matter .

  9. 用该催化板组装的反应器可采用内加热形式,和一般的外加热反应器相比可节约能耗约30%。

    An internal heating type was adopted Which saves 30 % energy in comparison with the external heating type .

  10. 在产业内贸易形式下,总贸易、进口贸易、出口贸易均起着扩大工资差距的作用。

    In the form of intra-industry trade , general trade , imports and exports all tend to expand the wage gap .

  11. 私有云使用公共云存储的概念,但是以可安全嵌入到用户防火墙内的形式。

    Private clouds use the concepts of public cloud storage but in a form that can be securely embedded within a user 's firewall .

  12. 所以中国书法的章法布白,即是指作品纸幅内空间形式的安排。

    Therefore , the organization of writing Chinese calligraphy white cloth , which means lots of paper work within the space form of arrangement .

  13. 最后,从内视觉形式分析意象派诗歌与中国古典诗歌在意象营构的趋同点。

    Thirdly , the author expounds the convergence of internal visual form between the American Imagist poetry and the classical Chinese poetry in terms of imagery .

  14. 对置二冲程柴油机缸内流动形式对混合气形成及燃烧的模拟研究超燃冲压发动机支板喷射燃料的燃烧过程试验

    Simulation on In-Cylinder Flow on Mixture Formation and Combustion in OPOC Engine Experimental study on the combustion and flow process in a scramjet with strut injector

  15. 本文的作者倾向于改变他们的这一常规,包括前路钢板等内固定形式对超过1个节段者进行融合。

    The authors are inclined to change their practice to include internal fixation in the form of anterior plating for fusions carried out at more than one level .

  16. 亚式期权作为一类奇异期权,其到期收益函数依赖于标的资产有效期内某种形式的路径平均。

    To be one of the exotic options , the time to maturity function of Asian option depends on the average path of underlying asset in some periods .

  17. 文中主要研究了四边简支边界条件下,非对称层板的铺层方式和面内载荷形式对横向变形的影响。

    The influences are studied mainly of the layout of unsymmetrical laminates and the type of loads in plane on the transverse deflection of composite laminates supported simply at four edges .

  18. 数值结果表明,转动约束刚度、地基参数、面内载荷形式、层合板铺设方式等因素对层合板振动特性均有较大影响。

    The numerical results show that the vibrational response of the plate is greatly influenced by elastic rotational stiffness , foundation parameters , in plane load pattern , fiber orientation and total number of plies .

  19. 结果:正常情况下,动脉血管内血流形式为层流,每层间血流速度不同,中心处血流速度最快,越向管壁处血流速度越慢。

    Results : The blood flow in the normal vessels were laminar flow , the velocities were different in every stratum , the velocities were the fastest in the center and slow down towards the vessel wall .

  20. 而那些至少是属于真正逻辑范围内的形式,却仅当作被意识着的思维的范畴,而且仅当作知性思维的范畴而非理性思维的范畴。

    Those forms , which at least do belong to the proper domain of Logic , are supposed to be categories of conscious thought only , of thought too in the character of understanding , not of reason .

  21. 由于特殊地质与地形条件限制,在综合技术与经济等方面的比较后,路线不宜改变时,常常采用将隧道修建在山体边坡内的形式。

    Restrictions due to the special geological and topographical conditions , in comprehensive technical and economic aspects of comparison , when the line should not be changed , it is often a tunnel built on a mountain slope .

  22. 建立一套基于数据仓库的、完善的数据分析与决策支持系统,可以为业务群体内任何形式的应用提供有效数据及其分析。

    Build up a set of according to the data warehouse , the perfect data analysis and decisions support system , can provide the valid data for the application of any form inside the business community and it 's analytical .

  23. 如果没有对婚姻本质的解答,不同的婚姻解说不过是在旧有理论平台或框架内的形式变换而已,所以对婚姻本质的追问有其不可替代的重要性。

    If there is no answer on the nature of marriage , the marriage of different explanation is the old theory in the framework of the platform or in the form of transform it , questioning the nature of marriage has its irreplaceable importance .

  24. 但随着国际分工体系的演进,东亚地区产业内分工形式日益兴盛,这使得产业内贸易影响机制成为中国与东亚经济周期协动性领域的重要研究方向。

    However , with the evolution of international division system , the form of intra-industry division in East Asia is increasingly prosperous , making the intra-industry influence mechanism becomes an important research direction in the field of business cycle synchronization between China and East Asia .

  25. 轻钢龙骨墙体是目前低层住宅、别墅常用的外墙和内墙形式,但当其应用于寒冷地区时,墙体的冷桥效应比较严重。

    The light-gauge steel stud wall is usually used as inner and exterior wall in the villadom and low-rise dwelling . But cold bridge effect of the steel wall will be serious when this kind of structural system has been used in the cold areas .

  26. 在该区域内开展形式多样的区域经济合作可以促进区域经济的增长、开发区域优势资源、加快区域技术进步、促进区域经济结构转换、全方位推进社会进步。

    Strengthening the economic cooperation in this area can promote the regional economic growth , exploiting the resources , accelerating the technique advancement , stimulating the conversion of economic structure , motivating the comprehensive development by conducting the various items of regional economic cooperation activities .

  27. WTO成员国理应遵守为国际社会所公认的有关劳工标准的一般法律原则,但应坚决反对在WTO体系内纳入任何形式的蓝色条款。

    The members of WTO should obey the general legal principles relating to labor standards which are recognized by the international society , but it is utterly unnecessary to insert any kinds of " blue box " into WTO system .

  28. 基于一组弹性土波动方程,应用Fourier级数展开和Hankel积分变换,得到了三维问题饱和土骨架与孔隙水的应力及位移分量在变换域内的积分形式通解。

    Based on a modified theory of elastic wave in saturated soils , general solutions for the displacements and stress components of the saturated soils are obtained by using Fourier series expansion and Hankel transform .

  29. 通过求解三维层流N-S方程,得到了端面气膜稳态压力场及速度场分布,分析了气体在端面间隙内的流动形式。

    The three-dimentional laminar Navier-Stokes equations were solved for getting the gas film pressure and velocity distributions in the steady state , and the flow styles in the clearance were analyzed .

  30. 研制了一种新型直线超声波电动机,电机采用面内振动的形式。

    The motor based on the vibration in plane of the rectangular plate .