
  1. 循环流化床锅炉炉内飞灰浓度的计算

    The calculation of fly ash concentration in the boiler with circulating fluidized bed

  2. 由于重力对二次流的作用方式不同,竖直转水平弯曲烟道内飞灰颗粒更快的趋于均匀。

    Due to the different effects of gravity on the secondary flow , ash particles concentration distribution in vertical-to-horizontal curved flue turned to equalization more quickly .

  3. 不过,由于起爆端端部稀疏波的作用,飞板运动存在着非稳定运动段,在该段内确定飞板极大动态弯折角的相似参数有两个:一个是R;

    However , due to the rarefaction effect from the initiating end , there is an unsteady range in addition to the steady range of the movement .

  4. 6月1日,一架从里约热内卢飞往巴黎的法航A330客机在大西洋坠毁,机上共228人。

    June 1 : An Air France Airbus 330 travelling from Rio de Janeiro to Paris crashes into the Atlantic with 228 people on board .

  5. 该飞机由里约热内卢飞往巴黎途中从雷达显示屏上失踪。

    The jet disappeared from radar screens while flying from Rio de Janeiro to Paris .

  6. 机上228名从里约热内卢飞往巴黎的乘客全部遇难。

    All two hundred twenty-eight people on the flight from Rio de Janeiro to Paris were killed .

  7. 飞机从里约热内卢飞往巴黎的途中遭遇强风暴和气流。

    The plane flew into storms and heavy turbulence after takeoff from Rio de Janeiro en route to Paris .

  8. 他们是不是在管内到处飞呢,还是聚集在管子的底部,或与发生了什么其他的活动?

    Do they fly all over the place inside the tube , or were they all accumulated at the bottom , or what happened with them ?

  9. 飞机在从里约热内卢飞往巴黎的途中遭遇强气流,与地面失去联系。机上228名乘客和机组人员全部丧生。

    The flight was headed from Rio de Janeiro to Paris when it encountered turbulence and then lost radio contact.The 228 passengers and crew onboard are presumed dead .

  10. 怀特不得不从曼彻斯特飞到阿联酋,然后在30小时内再飞回来——他每晚只能在飞机上睡觉,只有这样才能既不耽误参加贸易展,又能以饱满的精神迎接安妮公主。

    Wright had to fly from Manchester to the United Arab Emirates and back again within 30 hours - sleeping on planes each night to ensure he greeted Princess Anne , but also could manage the trade exhibition .

  11. 就目前煤粉炉内由于飞灰颗粒造成受热面管子磨损等现象,提出利用循环流化床中的分离技术,进行煤粉炉炉内除尘改造以减轻磨损。

    In view of the problems of heating area tubes worn out by fly ash particles in pulverized coal-fired boilers , the authors proposed to adopt separating technology used in circulating fluidized bed boiler to perform soot blowing re formation of the pulverized coal-fired furnace for minimizing tube worn out .

  12. 亚洲开发银行(asiandevelopmentbank)一位官员表示,在一个海关站点引进高科技设备后,在数天时间内卡车“飞一般地通过边境”。

    For a few days after the introduction of high-tech equipment at one customs post , trucks were " just flying across the border " , says an Asian Development Bank official .

  13. 在夏季的几个月内,鸟儿经常飞到法国海岸的沼泽地去。

    In the summer months , the birds frequent the marshes along the French coast .

  14. 研究了航天器在近圆轨道面内横向固定间隔距离内伴飞编队维持问题。

    A maintenance control strategy for formation spacecraft flying in a near-circular orbit with fixed along-track distance tolerance was presented .