
  1. 车兵长看见约沙法,便说,这必是以色列王。

    When the chariot commanders saw Jehoshaphat , they thought , 'Surely this is the king of Israel . '

  2. 并带着六百辆特选的车和埃及所有的车,每辆都有车兵长。

    He took six hundred of the best chariots , along with all the other chariots of Egypt , with officers over all of them .

  3. 这种方法从远距离看还不错,但拉近距离你就会发现你的长枪兵长得一模一样。

    This method looked fine from a distance , but zoom in on your battle , and you really notice that your spearmen all look exactly the same .

  4. 车兵长见不是以色列王,就转去不追他了。

    And it came to pass , when the captains of the chariots perceived that it was not the king of Israel , that they turned back from pursuing him .

  5. 惟有以色列人,所罗门不使他们当奴仆作工,乃是作他的战士,军长的统领,车兵长,马兵长。

    But Solomon did not make slaves of the Israelites for his work ; they were his fighting men , commanders of his captains , and commanders of his chariots and charioteers .

  6. 先是亚兰王吩咐车兵长说,他们的兵将,无论大小,你们都不可与他们争战,只要与以色列王争战。

    Now the king of Aram had given orders to the captains of his war-carriages , saying , make no attack on small or great , but only on the king of israel .

  7. 约兰就率领军长和所有的战车,夜间起来,攻击围困他的以东人和车兵长。

    Then Jehoram went forth with his princes , and all his chariots with him : and he rose up by night , and smote the Edomites which compassed him in , and the captains of the chariots .

  8. 约兰率领所有的战车往撒益去,夜间起来,攻打围困他的以东人和车兵长。犹大兵就逃跑,各回各家去了。

    Then Joram went over to zair , with all his war-carriages ; * Made an attack by night on the edomites , whose forces were all round him , * The captains of the war-carriages ; and the people went in flight to their tents .

  9. 传令兵跑了这么长一段路后,真喘粗气。

    After running such a long way , the messenger was gasping for breath .

  10. 约十八3犹大领了一队兵,和祭司长并法利赛人的差役,拿著火把、笼、器,来到那里。

    Jn . 18:3 Then Judas , having gotten the cohort and some attendants from the chief priests and Pharisees , came there with torches and lamps and weapons .