
  • 网络Strategic military
  1. 南澳历来是海防重镇,兵家必争之地。

    South Australia has always been a city of Haiphong , the military vital importance .

  2. 塞浦路斯的战略地位十分重要,历来都是兵家必争之地。

    The strategic position of Cyprus has always been of vital importance in military strategists ' view .

  3. 同时作为历来兵家必争之地,荆州的文化源远流长,产生了很多脍炙人口的佳话。

    At the same time as a traditionally mohican , Jingzhou culture has a long history , generates a lot of popular .

  4. 张家口市因地处北京与大西北、内蒙的交通要冲,地势险要,历来为兵家必争之地。

    Because of northwest of Beijing and in zhangjiakou , Inner Mongolia , the traffic is very dangerous , always terrain which .

  5. 俄亥俄州的选民政治背景各异,是兵家必争之地,常有决定大选结果的作用。奥巴马大选时在俄亥俄州反复强调会有“一个更好的未来”。

    Candidate Obama delivered his message over and over again in Ohio , a politically diverse battleground state that often decides presidential elections .

  6. 同时作为国内的运营商而言,在全业务运营的背景下,宽带市场成了兵家必争之地。

    At the same time , with regards to Internet Service Provider and its business operation , broadband has become a competitive market .

  7. 位于亚洲和非洲连接处的埃及,因其独特的地缘经济和政治环境,历来为兵家必争之地。

    Egypt important joint of Africa and Asia was always a land contested by some Great power because of its unique geopolitics and geo-economics .

  8. 山南东道地区因其地处长江两岸,交通便利,军事地理位置重要,所以为历代兵家必争之地。

    Shannan dong Dao is located in the Yangtze River because of its convenient transportation and an important military location , so for the ages contested .

  9. 伊拉克地处中东的心脏地区,地理位置十分重要,是连接欧亚非三洲的交通枢纽,自古就是兵家必争之地。

    Iraq is the heart of Middle East from ancient times because of its important position as a traffic pivot which connects Europe with Asia and Africa .

  10. 财富管理业务手续费是金融业成长最快、获利最大而且没有呆坏帐的业务,故此,该领域已经不是要不要做的问题,而是兵家必争之地。

    Commission charge in personal wealth management services is the fastest growing medium in the financial industry , besides providing the greatest profits , this services does not attribute to a dull bad account .

  11. 位于中国河北省西北部,地处京、冀、晋、蒙四省市区交界处,是北京的北大门,也是历史上兵家必争之地,重要的地理文化名城。

    Located in hebei province , is located in the northwest of China , hebei , shanxi , China , Beijing junction four of the north gate , which is the history and geography of the important cultural city .

  12. 中亚地区因其独特的地缘位置,自古以来就是兵家必争之地,随着近年来国际能源市场的动荡不安,中亚丰富的能源资源也引起了世界各国的觊觎。

    Central Asia because of its unique geographical position , the ancient battleground , with the turmoil of the international energy market in recent years , the rich energy resources of Central Asia also attracted the envy of countries in the world .