
dào qiè àn jiàn
  • Theft case;larceny case
  1. 学生宿舍盗窃案件特点及防范对策

    The Characteristic of Larceny Case in the Student 's Dormitory and the Countermeasure

  2. 车辆痕迹在侦破盗窃案件中的应用

    The Application of Vehicle Traces in Solving Larceny Case

  3. 从盗窃案件看我国刑事立案标准的高额化

    High Level of Criminal Registration Standards from Angle of Theft Cases

  4. 谈当前入室盗窃案件的特点与侦查对策

    On the Characteristics and Countermeasures of Current Housebreak in g Cases

  5. 对攀爬式入室盗窃案件及现场勘查的分析

    Characteristics of Climbing-style Burglary Cases and the Focus on Crime Scene Investigation

  6. 试论办公楼盗窃案件的特点及对策

    Characteristics and Countermeasures of the Burglary in the Office Building

  7. 论高校入室盗窃案件的特点、原因及对策

    On the Features , Causes and Countermeasures of Burglaries in Colleges and Universities

  8. 提高盗窃案件现场勘查质量的几点认识

    On Improving the Spots Investigation of Theft Cases

  9. 该报道称,该团伙在虹口警察调查其他盗窃案件时进入了警方视线。

    The ring came to light when Hongkou police were investigating other burglary cases .

  10. 警察正在对当地邮局被偷去若干五英镑钞票而提出的盗窃案件进行调查。

    The policemen are checking up on the alleged theft of a number of five-pound notes from the local post-office .

  11. 当代大学生盗窃案件在大学生所犯的各种案件中所占比重较大。

    Among all sorts of cases , the numbers of the current theft cases committed by college students are very large .

  12. 这一地区的入室盗窃案件似有增无已.我们的海岸曾被威金族的海盗劫掠。

    The number of burglaries in the area seems to be on the increase . Our coasts were preyed upon by Viking pirates .

  13. 针对高校盗窃案件的特点和原因作系统分析,制定切实可行的对策和预防措施,降低入室盗窃案件的发案率。

    The paper analyzes the features and causes of burglaries and presents some workable measures to tackle the problem and reduce burglary rate .

  14. 为了更好的保障消费者权益,保护汽车的安全,降低汽车盗窃案件的发生率,研究一个集安全、节能、环保为一身的汽车防盗报警系统已成为当前亟待解决的问题。

    In order to protect consumer rights and interests better , ensure the safety of car , and reduce the incidence rate of car theft .

  15. 他引述贸易团体Confcommercio的数据,表明近年来,因饥饿引发的盗窃案件正在逐步上升。

    He cited statistics from Confcommercio , a trade association , showing that thefts resulting from hunger have been on the rise in recent years .

  16. 近年来,盗窃案件在高校尤其是高校学生宿舍时有发生。

    In recent years , the larceny case frequently take place in the students ' dormitory of the university , especially the case of stealing the students ' dormitory .

  17. 在刑事案件中,盗窃案件的作案人为了逃避打击,总是千方百计毁灭罪证,伪装现场使得盗窃案件现场的情况更加复杂。

    Among the criminal cases , the criminals of theft cases always do their best to destroy criminal evidence and disguise the scene for making the scene more complicated in order to escape from attacking .

  18. 去年6月,当地警方在武汉某高校破获了一起有组织的盗窃案件,作案人将从同学那里偷来的笔记本电脑交与同伙销赃分赃。

    Local police investigated a case of organized theft on a Wuhan-based campus in June last year and found a student stealing laptops from classmates before passing them to others to sell , splitting the proceeds .

  19. 意大利国际社会科学自由大学刑法教授毛里奇奥·贝拉科萨经常讨论上诉法庭中的案件,他说,在商店盗窃案件中应用这一原则“确实很新奇”。

    Maurizio Bellacosa , a professor of criminal law at Luiss University in Italy who has often argued cases before the Court of Cassation , said that the application of that doctrine in a shoplifting case " has a certain novelty . "

  20. 这一地区发生了几起盗窃抢劫案件。

    There have been several thefts and robberies in this area .

  21. 盗窃犯罪案件诱惑侦查问题探讨

    Probing into the Issue of Trapping Investigation on Larceny Cases

  22. 中巴车资被盗窃的案件一再被揭发,报章广泛报道,引起社会回响。

    The bus fare theft befalling CMB had triggered extensive media coverage and concerns in the public domain .

  23. 19世纪70年代,动物公园发生一起盗窃未遂案件,一些袋鼠趁机逃跑并在该地区繁衍生息下来。

    They descended from the breeding population that escaped during a failed burglary attempt at an animal park back in the 1970s .

  24. 街面案件主要是指发生在街面和道路上的抢劫、抢夺、诈骗、盗窃等案件。

    Cases on the street mainly refer to the ones of robbery , seizure , swindle and theft taking place on the street .

  25. 盗窃犯罪案件的证据调查民事诉讼举证时限适用情况的调查与完善

    On the Investigation of Evidence for Larceny Cases The Investigation And Consummating About The Application Condition of The Restriction On Time Concerning Burden of Proof In Civil Litigation

  26. 然而,随之而来的是全国范围内的盗窃机动车案件发案数一直处于高位运行,成为了危害公私财产安全的重大犯罪活动之一。

    However , a nationwide vehicle theft case number has been increased greatly and has become one of the major criminal activities which endanger public and private property security .

  27. 长途客运是人们出行的一种主要交通方式,目前还存在着许多安全隐患,如超载现象严重、盗窃抢劫案件多发等。

    The main way to solve the long distance passenger transportation is to apply coaches , while in the coach transportation there are a lot of problems such as overloading phenomenon , thefts and robberies .

  28. 大城市里盗窃自行车的案件与日俱增。

    Bicycle theft is on the increase in the big cities .

  29. 然而各地城市公交不断有乘运纠纷,公交车上抢劫、盗窃等恶性案件发生,扰乱了城市社会的安定。

    However , throughout the country there are happened disputes , theft , robbery frequently in the bus , seriously disturbed the social stability .

  30. 近年来频繁出现的基站入室盗窃等恶性案件更是直接影响基站的安全和稳定运行。

    In recent years , pernicious cases such as the frequently occurred burglary of the base station have directly affected the safe and steady operation of the station .