
  • 网络The Book of Common Prayer;Prayer Book;Book of the Common Prayer
  1. (圣公会的)祈祷书,公祷书。

    The Prayer Book , the Book of Common Prayer ,( used in Anglican services )

  2. 有人说,这是书圣王羲之手笔。(圣公会的)祈祷书,公祷书。

    According to one , it was Wang Xizhi , the supreme calligrapher of China , that did the inscription . the Prayer Book , the Book of Common Prayer ,( used in Anglican services )

  3. 有趣的是,米德在学术方面得到高度评价,并称她对1979年美国圣公会出版的公祷书(英国宗教)的形成产生了很大作用。

    Interestingly , Mead was a highly regarded academic and had a large part in the formulation of the1979 American Book of Common Prayer ( Church of England ) .