
  • 网络Public Communication
  1. 公益传播的政府与媒体角色及融合模式

    " Government and Media " Role and Integration of Models in the Public Communication

  2. [1]其他微博也保持着爆炸式增长随着社会的发展,文明的进步,公益传播已经成为不可或缺的必然命题。

    Other microblogging maintain explosive growth . With the development of society , civilization and progress , public communication has become an inevitable proposition .

  3. 公益传播:为社会和谐的沟通与互动

    Communication in the Public Interest : Interaction for Social Harmony

  4. 互联网公益传播伴随着这个大背景迅速蓬勃地发展起来了。

    The internet commonweal communication developed rapidly and successfully along with the background .

  5. 电视观众调查四级化的意义和途径省级电视媒体公益传播的现状与路径

    On the Status and Path Forward to the Communication in the Public Interest of Provincial-level TV media

  6. 本文运用传播学的基本研究方法对微博的公益传播过程做了尝试性研究。

    In this paper , the communication of basic research methods do try to research on the the microblogging public propagation .

  7. 网络的发展对于现代生活中不可或缺的公益传播来说尤显重要,它为公益传播提供了一条新的便捷之路。

    Network is particularly important for public dissemination , especially for modern life , because it develops a new easy way .

  8. 公益传播在我国经历几十年的发展后,借助微博平台重新为人们所认识知道。

    Dissemination of public welfare in the country has experienced several decades of development , with the microblogging platform to re-know know .

  9. 但微博的出现为我国公益传播的发展特别是普通民众参与公益传播带来了契机。

    However , the emergence of microblog provided a chance for the development of Chinese public welfare activities , especially for ordinary people who want to take part in public welfare activities .

  10. 电视公益广告传播艺术论

    Public Service Advertizing Dissemination Asks for Discusses

  11. 吸引中小企业参与公益广告传播,多种资金渠道保障体系支持公益广告的发展的策略。

    Fourth , attracts the small and medium-sized enterprise participation public service ads dissemination , many kinds of fund channel safeguard system support public service ads development strategy .

  12. 尊敬的公共事务、公益事业及传播界朋友。

    Dear friends in public affairs , social welfare and communications .

  13. 公益广告的传播媒介与商业广告基本一致,主要是报纸、杂志、广播、电视,各种各样的户外媒介以及近身媒介。

    The media of public service advertising is almost the same with that of commercial advertising , which are newspaper , magazine , broadcast , television , outdoor and new media .

  14. 其中非营利组织公益信息的传播在协调组织关系,创立和维护组织形象以及为公众提供社会福利等方面发挥了积极作用。

    The transmission of the NPO 's commonweal information has played a very important role in coordinating organizations ' relationships , setting up and maintaining organization 's image and providing social welfare , etc.

  15. 于是,笔者结合新媒体的特点,运用个案研究的方法,提出了四个发展策略:一、利用网络媒体,增强公益广告的传播效果,促进公益广告的发展。

    Therefore , the author unifies the new media the characteristic , the utilization case research method , proposed four development strategies : First , use network media , enhancement public service ads dissemination effect , promote it development .

  16. 媒介生态学视域下的电视公益节目与和谐传播

    Welfare-related TV Program and Harmonious Propagation in the View of Media Ecology

  17. 恐惧诉求在公益广告中的传播效果

    Communicational Impact on Fear Appeal of Commonweal Advertisement

  18. 公益机构的危机传播与品牌营销:以壹基金为个案

    Crisis Communication and Branding for Nonprofit Organizations in China : The Case Study of One Foundation

  19. 虽然该公益告示处理其传播已超出亚洲范围并且通常引起恐惧的疾病,但是它的目的是以华丽风格而不是恐慌来这样做。

    While the PSA deals with a disease that has spread beyond Asia and often incites fear , it aims to do so with panache rather than panic .