
  • 网络disregard of corporate personality;Company personality denial system
  1. 英美法系在判例中最先确立的公司人格否认制度,在我国2006年的公司法典中被明确确立。

    The system of disregard of corporate personality first established by Anglo-American case law was accepted by Chinese company law in2006 .

  2. 有限责任制度是公司制度的基础,公司人格否认制度是有限责任制度的一种完善和发展;

    The System of limited liability is the basis of company 's system . The system of disregard of corporate personality is the improvement of the system of limited liability .

  3. 尽管如此,公司人格否认制度仍昭示出其应有的经济、法律等价值。

    Despite this , it still displays its economic and legal values .

  4. 第二章论述公司人格否认制度的基本理论。

    The second chapter discusses the basic theory of corporate personality denial system .

  5. 构建公司人格否认制度的法理依据

    Legal Theory of the Disregard System of Corporate Personality

  6. 确立公司人格否认制度;

    Establishment of disregard of company personality system .

  7. 浅析公司人格否认制度

    An Analysis of Corporation Personality Negation System

  8. 个案审判中对公司人格否认制度的司法探讨

    The Judicial Research on the System of Denying the Independent Personality of a Company in Individual Case

  9. 本文主要研究公司人格否认制度,分导言和四个部分进行论述。

    Disregard of corporation personality system is researched in this paper , which is including the introduction and four chapters .

  10. 公司人格否认制度首创于19世纪末20世纪初的美国,后逐渐为其他国家所接受,现已成为英美法系和大陆法系共同认可的一项重要法律制度。

    The doctrine of Disregarding of Corporate Personality was initiated in the U.S.end the late 19th century in the beginning of 20th century .

  11. 接着本文用比较分析的方法分析了公司人格否认制度之法理依据,并列举了该制度的适用情形。

    Then , the thesis analyzes the legal basis of disregarding of corporate personality with comparative methods and lists the applicable circumstances of the legal system .

  12. 提出了公司人格否认制度在全面保护债权人利益特别是对银行债权保护中的具体运用和实际操作方案。

    Practical operating methods are brought forward in the application of the system in the protection of creditor 's interests , especially the creditor 's rights of banks .

  13. 关于公司人格否认制度的内容很多,本文仅就公司法人格否认制度解读、公司法人格否认的理论基础、国外经验借鉴以及建立我国公司法人格否认制度的构想四个方面进行探讨。

    The essay mainly discusses four aspects about the system-explanation of disregard of corporate personality , theoretical foundation under this system , foreign experiences for reference , and formulation of this system .

  14. 第二章为公司人格否认制度的比较分析,主要比较阐释了国外公司人格否认制度,并分析了国外公司人格否认制度对我国的启示。

    Part III is divided into Corporate Personality comparative analysis of the system , mainly explained by foreign companies compared to deny personality system , and analyzes the personality of foreign companies denied the system Enlightenment .

  15. 主要介绍了公司人格否认制度、金融控股公司责任加重制度、防火墙制度、独立董事制度、信息披露制度、交易数额限制制度等。

    It mainly introduces the systems of ' Piercing the Corporate Veil ' ' Enhanced Obligation of financial holding company ' ' firewall ' ' independent director ' ' information disclose ' ' transaction limitation ' .

  16. 公司人格否认制度作为公司法在现代法制观念和实践中的修正,其意义将直接建立于公司制度的基石&有限责任原则之上。

    The company personality denial system as the company law in modern legal idea and practice of correction , its meaning will be established in the foundation of the system of direct company ~ limited liability principle .

  17. 公司法人人格否认制度与银行债权保护

    On System of Corporate Personality Denial and Bank 's Claim Protection

  18. 衡平方法正是用来纠正法律的这种不合目的性。民事主体制度是公司人格否认的制度基础。

    Justice is the chief value of the law system .

  19. 关于公司法人人格否认制度的法律思考

    Legal Thought on the " Disregarding of the Corporate Personality " Principle

  20. 适用公司法人人格否认制度若干具体问题探讨

    The Analysis of Some Details of Application of Disregard of Corporate Personality

  21. 公司法人人格否认制度,规范的是公司人格独立的一种例外情况。

    What DCP regulates is an exception of corporate personality .

  22. 公司法人人格否认制度中的程序和法律适用设计

    Design for Procedural and Applicable Law in Disregarding Corporate Personality

  23. 我国学术界对公司法人人格否认制度,一般持肯定态度。

    Generally Speaking , Chinese academia supports the statute of disregarding corporate legal personality .

  24. 提出了对公司法人人格否认制度应从观念、立法和司法方面进行完善。

    The author proposes that the system should be improved by cognition , legislation and judicial adjudication .

  25. 公司法人人格否认制度是对公司有限责任这一传统观念的现代修正。

    Company legal personality denied system is of a company limited the traditional concept of the amendment .

  26. 为防范这一现象带来的危害,公司法人人格否认制度应运而生。

    As a result , the corporation personality denying system comes out so as to safeguard the negatives of the phenomena .

  27. 公司法人人格否认制度功能是矫正公司法人自身的缺陷,以实现公平、正义。

    The function of corporate personality traverse system is to rectify the limitation of corporate personality and to reach equity and justice .

  28. 文章阐述了公司法人人格否认制度的内涵、价值以及公司人格否认的适用条件;

    The thesis makes a detailed illustration about the meaning , the value of the system , the suitable condition of it .

  29. 第三部分详细分析了公司法人人格否认制度的适用范围,适用要件及适用法律效果。

    In the third part , he analyzes in detail the applying conditions , applying elements and legal effect of the doctrine of disregarding of corporate personality .

  30. 由于公司法人人格否认制度实体法和程序法规定上的缺陷,造成该类诉讼案件认定难和执行难。

    Disregard of corporate personality as a result of the system of substantive and procedural law provisions of the deficiencies identified in such difficult cases and difficult to implement .