
  1. 公路收费权质押若干法律问题探讨

    Several legal discussions of Pledging the right of Excising Highway Toll

  2. 公路收费权质押贷款在实务中早已经不是什么新鲜的话题。

    Pledge loan of toll right has not been a new topic in the practice for long .

  3. 因而,公路收费权质押贷款作为一种新型的担保方式,越来越受到广大银行的青睐。

    So , Highway charging right is a new kind of pledge , which is obtaining increasingly favor by the majority of banks .

  4. 在价值范围内,公路收费权可以多次质押。公路收费权质押合同由省级交通主管部门进行登记,自登记之日起生效。

    Among the range of price , it can be pledged many times , and the moment the contract is enrolled by the provincial traffic department it comes into effect .

  5. 在公路建设资金贷款实践中,最常见的担保方式是公路收费权质押。

    As to the loan of capital of road construction , the most average way to guarantee is to pledge the right of excising highway toll .