
  • 网络public demand;public needs;Common Demand;public wants
  1. 新时期我国公共需求供给的主要矛盾是:社会的公共需求快速增长与当前公共需求(尤其是基本公共需求)总供给的紧缺、供给不均衡和供给不合理之间的矛盾。

    Contemporarily , the major contradiction in public demands and supplies that China is confronted with is the one between the rapid growth of public demands and the shortage , imbalance and irrationality of the present public supplies ( basic public wants in particular ) .

  2. 可访问性移除了特定群体访问信息的障碍,它正在成为Web应用程序的公共需求。

    Accessibility , which removes the barriers that prevent certain groups of people from accessing information , is becoming a common requirement for Web applications .

  3. 公共需求增长与有效供给不足探析

    Tentative Analysis on the Growth of Public Demand and Insufficient Supply

  4. 满足公共需求应是我国经济发展的主流特征

    Meeting the Public Demand Should be a Mainstream Characteristic of China Economic Development

  5. 公共需求的传递和满足机制研究

    Research on Mechanism to Transfer and Satisfy Public Demand

  6. 论公共需求与供给:公共行政研究的基本主题

    Public Demand and Government Supply : Basic Subject for the Study of Public Administration

  7. 提出构建话题模板,表达用户公共需求。

    Topic template , which expresses users ' common information demand , is brought forward .

  8. 其中,同质性公共需求与异质性公共需求在传递和满足过程中所受扭曲程度及影响因素各有不同。

    Homogeneous demand and heterogeneous demand vary in the degree of distortion and have different influence factors .

  9. 在经济衰退中,理想情况是通过公共需求的增长,来弥补私人需求的萎缩。

    During a recession , ideally , public demand rises to offset contraction in the private sector .

  10. 合成模式将多个业务模式和集成模式组合在一起以处理更大的一组公共需求。

    A composite pattern combines multiple business and integration patterns to address a larger set of common requirements .

  11. 分析了小卫星星载计算机系统的公共需求及其应用的特殊性,给出了典型小卫星星载计算机系统的通用体系结构;

    The special application desires and common demands for small satellites , on board computer system are analyzed .

  12. 政府职能的实现过程就是政府满足公共需求的过程。

    The process to realize the function of government is a process for government to satisfy the public demand .

  13. 社会公共需求与政府公共供给的关系,是公共行政学研究的基本主题。

    The relation between the public demand and the government supply is the basic subject for the study of public administration .

  14. 城市交通作为维系城市经济社会发展的基础条件之一,其根本的发展目的在于满足社会公共需求。

    City traffic as their city economic and social development foundation , its fundamental purpose is to satisfy the public demand development .

  15. 当前,中国社会的需求结构正在发生根本性变革,整个社会的公共需求正在快速增长;社会关系结构也正在发生革命性变革,交换关系日益占据主导地位。

    At present , Chinese social demand structure is undergoing a revolutionary transformation , and the whole social public demand is growing rapidly .

  16. 图书馆是人类公共需求的产物,最早的图书馆一经产生就具有公共性质。

    Library is the result of the public demands for human being . The earliest library has had its public character since its existence .

  17. 在这个历史时期,社会公共需求水平整体较前有所提高,均等化要求更加突出。

    In this historical period , the overall level of social and public demand has increased over the previous , equalization require more prominent .

  18. 第三章对中国古代社会经济发展情况进行简单的介绍,并分析了当时会产生何种公共需求,得出国防和治安、社会保障、水利设施和公共教育是古代社会的主要公共需求。

    Chapter III of the social and economic development in ancient China a brief introduction , and analyze what the public will demand at that time .

  19. 另外,公共需求的多元化和动态化特征也迫切要求政府部门对公共服务的效率和品质给予回应。

    In addition , the diverse and dynamic characteristics of the public demand needs government departments to respond to the efficiency and quality of public services .

  20. 县级政府作为基层政府,不仅要满足城镇居民的公共需求,更要满足广大农民的需求。

    As the basic government , the county government has to satisfy not only the demands of the citizen , but also the demands of the farmers .

  21. 不断扩大和趋于变化的公共需求与公共服务的供给不足和供给相对过剩之间的不均衡,需要实现公共服务制度变迁。

    The imbalance between the inadequate supply of public demand which constantly expanding and changing and public service , needs to achieve institutional change of public service .

  22. 6年后,一个判例案件为拟议中的填海工程设定了一个很高的标准。该判例规定,只有在出现高于一切的公共需求时才能填海。

    Six years later , a legal test case set a high bar for proposed reclamations , saying they could proceed only if they met an overriding public need .

  23. 如果不能准确界定作为公共需求之公共物品的性质、差别和范围,就无法合理划定政府职能的边界。

    It 's hard to fix the boundary of administrative duty and function only if we are able to identify accurately public goods ' nature , difference and scope .

  24. 第二部分从公共需求理论、政府间财政关系理论及政府间委托代理理论等分析政府间转移支付产生的经济学基础,阐明在研究和分析政府间转移支付制度的主要影响因素。

    Part ⅱ focuses on the economic basis of intergovernmental transfer payments , such as public demand theory , the theory of intergovernmental fiscal relations , and intergovernmental principal-agent theory .

  25. 解决社会公共需求快速增长与政府公共服务供给不足的矛盾,解决当前存在的突出的发展失衡问题,关键在于实现政府的转型,实现政府职能重心的转移。

    To solve the conflict between public requirement rapid growing and insufficient government public service and the unbalance development , the primary way depends on realizing government transformation and changing government function emphasis .

  26. 不仅如此,政府已难以独自满足社会公众日益个性化、多样化的公共需求,而必须依赖非政府组织的合作。

    Moreover , the government must rely on NGOs ' cooperation in providing public services , as it cannot alone meet the demands of the public which is increasingly more personalized and diversified .

  27. 本文提出,公共需求的满足仅依靠企业的自觉意识无法完全得以满足,仅是依靠政府也是无法完全解决的,需要企业、政府以及社会的协同合作方能解决。

    In this paper , in order to meet the public demand , we can not only rely on self-consciousness or government . We need business , government and community together to solve .

  28. 而随着经济水平的提高,居民生活质量的改善,公众的公共需求和权利意识逐渐觉醒,人们开始关注共享性和非竞争性的公共利益问题。

    With the economic level , residents improved quality of life , public awareness of the needs and rights of public gradually awakening , people began to focus on shared and non-competitive public interest issues .

  29. 在全社会公共需求全面快速增长的背景下,加快建立社会主义公共服务体制既有现实性、迫切性,也是改革攻坚的基本目标之一。

    Speeding up building a socialist of pubic service is both realistic and urgent and also one of the basic goals of reform in the background of round and rapid growth of social public demand .

  30. 居民的社区性公共需求以及社区共同利益聚合与表达的需求日益增长,社区人口结构发生了巨大变化,单位体制外的社会空间日益扩大。

    Residents of communities of common interests of the public needs and community demand aggregation and expression of the growing community population structure has changed dramatically , the unit of social space outside the system growing .